They have banned so much, they are literally in an echo chamber at this point. They aren't even aware of how much opposition there is to their insanity. Nov will be another shock to these dumbfucks. 2016 Redux.
Normies should make their own board if they feel that uncomfortable with our boobs. GA Plebbit seems like a good name.
He's also inspired more Clowns to run for office. That's actually a good pink pill for normies. "Why are so many Clowns running on the Dem ticket? Could it be they want to regain control over govt?"
Where are they going to be made public?
The hype is purposeful. They are desperately trying to steal the narrative so POTUS has to delay FISA. Pathetic.
Can someone tell me if 8ch has ever been mentioned/associated with Q in these queer MSM article hit pieces?
Reason I ask is that I've only seen Plebbit Great Awakening and (particularly) 4ch mentioned.
It's as if they have purposefully been avoiding linking to 8ch the entire time.
Harvey's entire Op is about compromise. How normies don't see that is beyond me. He's an older Andy Cohen. "Nice guy" who's busy controlling everyone for mooooooosad.
Have faith faggots. If they are banning Straka/#WalkAway and GA, while also telling everyone a Cat 2 hurricane is POTUS fault and the biggest STORM ever, then it means (((they))) are scared shitless.
Alert normies from Plebbit! You have a new home that does not include all of our glorious boobs!
How fucking cool would it be if POTUS destroys hurricane?
IF that's possible, it would be the biggest F-U to the derp state ever. Normies would never know, but (((they))) would.