Anonymous ID: c63156 Sept. 12, 2018, 9:34 p.m. No.3002043   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2086

>>3001167 (lb)

>>3001201 (lb)


If true

> plausible at a minimum

This could explain the build up for war with Syria.

Could the virus be coming from bad actors in Syria

War plans already laid

Battleships heading in

Timing coincidently lines up with arrival of florence

> no coincidences

This shows that mockingbird media is complicit in a possible attack on an american nuke facility

Could this be why ES was in NK?

Was he helping construct a delivery system undetectable by US intelligence?

Fukushima was a test run?

>if (((they))) succeed

Trump will not back down

All will be known under the worst situation

This is what we have been fighting to avoid while exposing these sick fucks