Anonymous ID: 47b088 Sept. 12, 2018, 11:54 p.m. No.3003364   🗄️.is 🔗kun





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Anonymous ID: 47b088 Sept. 12, 2018, 11:56 p.m. No.3003378   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3919

US Ambassador Haley Seethes at Syria and Russia Over Concocted Chemical Threat


Late last month, the Russian Center for Syrian Reconciliation reported that representatives of the White Helmets group had delivered a large shipment of toxic substances to a warehouse used by Ahrar al-Sham militants in Idlib province.


In an interview with Fox News, US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley has once again warned Russia regarding what she described as Moscow's plans to stage another chemical weapons attack in cooperation with Tehran and Damascus.


"What we told, you know, the Syrians, the Russians and the Iranians was, well, twice we have warned you not to use chemical weapons; twice you have used it, and twice President Trump has acted. Don't test us again. Because I think the odds are very much against them," Haley said.


She also recalled that the issue of the Syrian government troops allegedly preparing a chemical weapons attack on civilians was discussed at three meetings of the UN Security Council, where most of its members ostensibly cautioned Russia against conducting any such attack in Syria.


Haley's remarks came just a few days after she warned Russia and Iran of "dire consequences" if they continue airstrikes against militant-held areas in Syria's Idlib province, adding that the US would respond to any use of chemical weapons there.


I also want to reiterate what I said last week to the Assad regime and anyone else contemplating the use of chemical weapons in Syria. The United States followed through when we said that we would respond to the use of chemical weapons. We stand by this warning," she noted.


Reported Preparations for Chemical Weapons Attack in Syria


Earlier this week, Syria's Ambassador to China Imad Moustapha told Sputnik that the Syrian authorities had received dozens of reports from eyewitnesses about ongoing preparations for a false-flag chemical attack in Idlib province in northwestern Syria.


He specifically referred to the reports about transporting hazardous chemical material to certain areas around Jisr al-Shughur and kidnapping more than 40 children from neighboring areas of Idlib province for use as 'victims' of the planned attack.

Anonymous ID: 47b088 Sept. 13, 2018, 12:01 a.m. No.3003409   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3448 >>3488 >>3529 >>3919

'Catastrophic': EU Passes Copyright Directive Including Internet 'Link Tax' and 'Upload Filter'


The European Parliment has passed a controversial copyright directive that contains provisions which force tech giants to install content filters and sets in place a potential tax on hyperlinking.


The bill was passed in a final vote of 438 – 226 and will need to be implemented by individual EU member states.


Critics of the directive have been laser-focused on two key provisions: Articles 11 and 13, which they have dubbed the “link tax” and “upload filter.”


The most important parts of this are Articles 11 and 13. Article 11 is intended to give publishers and papers a way to make money when companies like Google link to their stories, allowing them to demand paid licenses. Article 13 requires certain platforms like YouTube and Facebook stop users sharing unlicensed copyrighted material.


Critics of the Copyright Directive say these provisions are disastrous. In the case of Article 11, they note that attempts to “tax” platforms like Google News for sharing articles have repeatedly failed, and that the system would be ripe to abuse by copyright trolls.


Article 13, they say, is even worse. The legislation requires that platforms proactively work with rightsholders to stop users uploading copyrighted content. The only way to do so would be to scan all data being uploaded to sites like YouTube and Facebook. This would create an incredible burden for small platforms, and could be used as a mechanism for widespread censorship. This is why figures like Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales and World Wide Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee came out so strongly against the directive. – The Verge


Member of the European Parliament, Axel Voss, who played a lead roll in pushing for both articles 11 and 13, thanked his fellow MEPs “for the job we have done together” in the wake of the vote.


“This is a good sign for the creative industries in Europe,” Voss said.


Cont. from images:

Within the code is a narrow explanation of “hate speech,” being defined as “all conduct publicly inciting to violence or hatred directed against a group of persons or a member of such a group defined by reference to race, colour, religion, descent or national or ethnic origin.”


The nature of enforcing censorship based on a narrow and subjective term such as “hate speech” is likely to keep suspicions high that these types of decision aren’t about creating a safer world, but rather a world in which superstates like the EU control the content people see online for political purposes.

Anonymous ID: 47b088 Sept. 13, 2018, 12:03 a.m. No.3003421   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3529 >>3919

Turkey's Latest Power Grab: A Naval Base In Cyprus?



The possibility of a Turkish naval base on Cyprus does not bode well for the chances of a Cyprus reunification deal, particularly after the breakdown of the July 2017 peace talks, which were suspended when "Turkey had refused to relinquish its intervention rights on Cyprus or the presence of troops on the island."


Turkey has 30,000 soldiers stationed on Cyprus, the northern part of which it has illegally occupied since 1974.


"If Greek-Turkish tensions escalate, the possibility of another ill-timed military provocation could escalate with them… Moreover, such a conflict might open up an even greater opportunity for Russian interference." - Lawrence A. Franklin.


Turkey's Naval Forces Command has "submitted a proposal to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stating that Turkey should establish a naval base in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus," according to Turkey's strongly pro-Erdogan daily, Yeni Safak, which recently endorsed the proposal for the base in an article entitled, "Why Turkey should establish a naval base in Northern Cyprus."


"The base will enable the protection of Northern Cyprus' sovereignty as well as facilitate and fortify Turkey's rights and interests in the Eastern Mediterranean, preventing the occupation of sea energy fields, and strengthening Turkey's hand in the Cyprus peace process talks."


Having a naval base in northern Cyprus would also strengthen the self-proclaimed "Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus," which is recognized only by Turkey. Cyprus is strategically important: a naval base there would give Turkey easier access to the Eastern Mediterranean's international trade routes and greater control over the vast undersea energy resources around Cyprus. In the past, Turkey has blocked foreign vessels from drilling for these resources; in June, Turkey began its own exploration of the island's waters for gas and oil.

Anonymous ID: 47b088 Sept. 13, 2018, 12:05 a.m. No.3003431   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3529 >>3919

Syrian Army Destroys Militant Fortifications And Observation Equipment In Northern Lattakia (Videos)

Anonymous ID: 47b088 Sept. 13, 2018, 12:07 a.m. No.3003442   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3782 >>3919

‘Don’t test us’: Haley threatens US strikes over any attack on Syria’s Idlib


Any attack on Syria’s Idlib province is going to be “dealt with,” US ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley warned, as Washington seeks to stop the Russian-backed Syrian army from retaking the last remaining jihadist stronghold.


The US has struck Syria twice after claims of chemical weapons use by the government in Damascus, Haley said on Wednesday in a Fox News interview.


“Don’t test us again,” she said, addressing the Syrian government and its allies Russia and Iran. Washington and its allies have also warned Syria that they will act not just in case of chemical weapons being used, but against any attack on the province, the US envoy to the UN said.


“Any offensive on the civilian people in Idlib was going to be dealt with,” Haley told Fox News’ Bret Baier.


Idlib is the last remaining stronghold of various jihadist groups that once sought to overthrow the government of President Bashar Assad, with support from the US, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and other regional powers. The most powerful of these groups is Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), formerly known as Jabhat al-Nusra; it is an affiliate of Al-Qaeda, the terrorist organization the US holds responsible for the 9/11 terrorist attacks in 2001.


Rebel fortunes took a turn for the worse in October 2015, when Russia openly intervened in Syria on invitation from Damascus. With the aid of Russian air power and military advisers, the Syrian Arab Army successfully broke the siege of Aleppo and rolled up Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) militants from much of its territory.


Western media, meanwhile, uncritically reported claims of rebels accusing the Syrians and Russians of “genocide” in Aleppo. The White Helmets, a self-proclaimed civil defense group operating only in rebel-held areas, has been the main source for claims of Syrian government atrocities.


Russia has accused the White Helmets of staging a chemical attack in Idlib in order to provoke a Western military intervention in Syria. The group has filmed at least nine videos intended to serve as evidence of claims that Damascus has used chlorine against civilians in Idlib, the Russian Reconciliation Center In Syria said on Wednesday.