Let's hope this one gets him expelled from the senate. Oh, right, Congress policing itself earned us the opportunity to pay for their sexual harassment settlements. Not a chance.
Reddit has landed. Approximately 12-14 hours ago. Was here when /r/GA was first banned. They showed up and proceeded to shit up bread like nothing I've ever seen with stupid questions, demands to "stop posting nekked women" and to "stop the foul language."
My favorite was the newfag asking for the location of the upvote button. Anons told newfag Ctrl-W, anon asks if that logs the upvote every time because "That keeps closing my window." Then asked for where karma values are.
Waiting to see if it's died down, especially since they created that board over at voat. Then again after GA gets banned, Q shows up with that post about 8chan being the last one standing when all is said and done and something about 297k. Not sure if the 297k was from reddit GA to being "homeless" or 297k is what 8ch needs to be able to handle. I kinda wanna go create a sub with a Q title or GA title, lock it, and wait for reddit ban that for offensive content.
Do I barge into your house, tell you how to run your household? Nope. Now stop telling us how to run ours.
Internal pollsters from campaigns or DNCC/DNC calling me. Always Democrats. Always got my name off the voter rolls. That's if I can even get them to admit they're partisan hacks. SooooโฆI fuck with them to the point where I've made one cry. It's a hoot.
No violent threats. And even if there were, my understanding is mods shut em down fast. This was reddit censoring. With the help ofโฆI can't recall the sub but they vote on who they want shut down. Ya mob rule at its finest.
Apparently over the target. I swear if I see assholes start shitting up the bread with "UPVOTE" for every post they likeโฆwell I don't know what I'll do, but it'll be extremely fucking irritating. The upvote/downvote buttons is/are what creates the reddit echo chamber.
Yep. If the brainwashing doesn't work, they'll shit all over the First Amendment to quash dissent. Reddit probably considers itself to be a public forum. That would make it illegal/unconstitutional to ban people/groups for purely political purposes and because "muh feelz." IIRC @Jack admitted Twitter is a public forum (therefore it cannot censor). New Telecommunications Act needed yesterday to reign in these pieces of shit.
Was posted last night but wouldn't hurt to pin it again. Wagering on deaths, SICK people. Patents and diagrams/flowcharts for the "mechanism(s)" allowing for this is posted there too. If true, wouldn't surprise me, but extremely disgusting.
Eh got a point. Will stop my morning coffee, anti-reddit bitch fest and get productive before off to workfag.
Yes and yes. It's getting so hard to tell if a post is actually a lazy as fuck anon or a shill trying to slide.
That part looked like a psychology/political science quiz. Merriam Webster's definition of fascism contains "forcible suppression of opposition." Def of narrative also matches one of defs in MW dictionary. Not gonna keep going down the line and have no idea why there's a ? following the definition unless Q is trying to ask "Is this the definition?"
He just throws around financial terminology trying to look smart. I'm a financefag and a lot of the shit that he spews is total nonsense or it makes no sense at all. He's been head of JPM-Chase for quite some time now after JPM bought Chase. Wanna say 14 years give or take. That's a pretty long tenure.
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On Jesus bankers throw around money like beads at a Mardi Gras parade. They're not too big to fail, although JPM-Chase failing would result in a massive shock to the economy. I'm not necessarily opposed to it, as long as I get my money the hell out of harms way beforehand. There's speaking bluntly then there's being a fucking dick. He is of the latter.
Florence downgrade sauce below. The "other" storm is picking up and will be immeasurable in intensity.