Funny. That was me with the 70+ posts and I've been around since CBTS #3.
I'm just happy that I have newfags to talk to in the nightbread.
Suck it, you weird faggot.
Funny. That was me with the 70+ posts and I've been around since CBTS #3.
I'm just happy that I have newfags to talk to in the nightbread.
Suck it, you weird faggot.
This is either brilliant bait, or terribly pathetic.
CBTS was on halfchan, retard.
There was nothing here before that.
yeah, we got up to 500 or so before getting booted out by bots. Q moved around a bit but settled here in the end.
I am, until further notice from a higher ranking anon, the highest ranking anon.
UK is now openly full-on 1984.
I doubt it would happen that overtly. Blame might get bounced around a bit, but nothing will stick.
Unless israel pulls a Streisand and starts trying to wag some other country's dick around. That would be awkward as fuck for them.
No offense mang - I get it. But I can't help but envision you as the guy who still has his helmet on in the mess hall.
Good thing it's not coming from a terrestrial galaxy. Then we'd really be in trouble.
And desperately needing the 'like' button.
I was there too. Havn't left, actually.
Now they hate me.
Morning swordbro!
We got lots of reddit newfags that need your shining glory to guide them through the darkness!
And the metric shit-ton of posts without any tags.
It was like a thousand people talking to the wall.
Correct, but Q started this whole shebang on half. Don't know if he ever posted here during that time because i never had to look beyond 4.
Rise dough!
Don't mean to be rude, but i'm gonna try to help you out here. You've been driven from your home and ended up in, what amounts to, a very scummy dive bar. This scummy dive bar, which we will call 8chan, happens to be where a whole lot of scummy diggers and shitposters communicate with Q. Q came to this gnarly place for reasons unknown. I guess he trusts us.
Point is, you're in our house for the time being. Please respect our unending thirst for bewbs. You aren't going to change us, and we don't care to change you. Just keep it to yourself.
kek. that locked subreddit wont stop breaking the rules!
I raise my thumb at you, good sir.
wew. he's gonna have a tough time with that.
> while not being able to do anything to begin with.
He did a pretty good job at consolidating our ranks.
He's certainly not doing himself any favors.
I'm all for trolling the living hell out of him. Shower him with thanks and call him an ally. See how that goes over.
I remember reading something about it yesterday - how they vote on what gets banned.
Incredibly fucked.
Separately, we are but fragile sticks, but together, we form a mighty faggot!
kek. he probably is already trying.
The mirror is going to turn hard on these bastards, and they're going to go apeshit when the same happens to them.
That's the brilliant part of this whole scheme. Every punch they throw is going to miss its mark and come right back at them. And they will scream and cry and moan, but the only one that made a move was them - and they will never fess up to it.
probably don't want to go using 'shill' as a generic insult. Makes it lose it's meaning. Call him an asshole faggot instead.
What's that mean again? Cos if I'm a shill, someone owes me a shit ton of money. Especially after that last bread.
Q whipped the bakers into a fine-tuned machine.
Aside from the fact that your pants are stained with urine, your dick is rotting off from syphilis, your brain is in perpetual low-gear and you smell like three-day-old synthetic crab meat, you're wonderful.
I never liked that rule - and never will.
I have no urge or inclination to do so, but i still don't like it.
that too… he's wonderful.
I actually prefer the clothed ones.
Fast women and slow horses.
Easiest way to create division is to start making rules.
Am I missing something? I thought we were agreeing earlier.
That about sums it up.
delete the space after //
Oh sure. THAT one did. the other one is growing out of control.
You got it!