You posted that last night (24hrs ago)
Don't here much about Farage in the news.
The guy is funnier than shit. Wish we could have him on the WH
*hear…[shit I'm tired]
I think his second calling would be as a stand-up comedian doing political satire.
He'd pack the house.
I'll drink to that
that's not porn…those are bewbs.
You know they won't anon.
That is their disconnect from rational logic. they have none. [Thank you Fascist professors and universities for you contribution to humanity.]
They bitch, get what they want, then bitch because they got it. How many times have we seen that?
Liberal dissonance for the win.
We do not.
You do not belong here…dear.
A little something to get your new day, and blood pumping as you drink your covfefe, eastcoastfags.
So now you are going to be a 'grammarfag'?
And tell me I am evil?
Go home, your mama is calling you, it's bath time.
Hey Anons
Check this out…I got corrected for spelling "bewbs"…by grammar lady andbecause I said it is not porn now … I'm evil. I didn't even post any bewbs either.
That would make a good blond joke.
Oh…I get it.
Tell me…what has been your contribution to this board, the anons here or our cause?
I'm sure they would like to know too about your self imposed righteousness, and what you have sacrificed. Seems your too busy calling anons "shills"
You don't pass the test.
Ya…anon, off hand who was that Greek orthodox that hand delivered a Papal document to Antarctica on the excuse of opening a church there as to the why of his visit. that was a bit spoopy. Don't know his name.
[Oh…damn! did it again]…grammar lady…grammar lady…