What a gentle way to phrase it anon.
Don't worry about every little thing. Matthew 6 something or other.
It'll be fine, anon. Worrying is a luxury. Think in terms of gratitude instead and everything will fall into place.
I certainly hope so. Haven't been in a year and a half. I kind of miss it. Wouldn't mind going back - but won't until it's broken wide open and forced to regroup.
NightCrew hasn't been putting much up to wake up to lately.
The last Q post on PF didn't set well. Did we check the definitions given against the dictionary or just skip over them? They did all end in question marks.
Did we ever prove that the Q400 has remote capabilities?
Why is the word smarts in quotes. Stable geniuses don't mess with grammar unless they want to convey a message.
Also, I believe we should find examples of Jamie Dimon being a poor public speaker and nervous mess.
Watched that guy for years on cnbc. Is he being handled? Never seemed that bright to me, either.
Speaking of cnbc, they were quick to the jump with this one:
Jamie Dimon is Greek Orthodox.
Reince Preibus is Greek Orthodox.
WI Senate candidate Leah Vukmir is Greek Orthodox.
I wonder how many nevertrumpers are Greek Orthodox?
And then there's that photo of Tom Hanks in Antartica at a Greek Orthodox church?
And Rita Wilson, Hanks's wife, sets up the My Big Fat Greek Wedding folks because she's Greek Orthodox?
The Greek pope performs ancient rituals in Antartica February 2016.
Have we dug this religion enough?
Jamie Dimon stole your money.
Wish I were clever enough to understand this. Help?
Thanks anon. I'll go waste some time. This stuff fascinates me.
Although in doing more reading, it looks like orthodox might just be orthodox.
Surprised I haven't looked into this before.