God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever
All in the very morning hour
Our gentle Lord and Savior
Was fettered and arraingned before
the bailiff of Judea.
But heathen Pilate found no stain
In him or civil terror
Accordingly he sent him on to
Magistrate King Herod
Third hour, and the son of God
Was scourged by whips and bludgeoned.
And then those sinful people placed
A crown of thorns upon him.
Revile him, did those citizens
And beat him, did those soldiers.
The cross on which he was to die
was laid upon his shoulders.
Sixth hour, they stripped him of his robe
And on the cross they nailed him.
The Christ was bleeding freely now.
(And are the faithful wailing?)
His enemies made sport of him,
So did the true believers.
The sun itself retired then
To scorn their cruel behavior.
Ninth hour, Jesus Christ cried out
"My God I am forsaken!"
They gave him bile and vinegar
His mortal thirst to slaken.
Then Jesus Christ gave up the ghost
And all creation trembled;
The temple fell and from the hill
The rock of Ages tumbled.
And in the very vesper hour
The two thieves' bones were broken.
A spear was thrust in Jesus side,
And Jesus' side did open.
And blood and water did run out,
It flowed beyond all measure,
And all the folk from round about
did mock our lord and Savior.
We need an infographic about Beto O'Rourke for Willie.
Willie's not inacessible.
TX anons can see that Willie gets the information.
Would surprise me a guy who signs autographs in the rain until the last fan is gone was down with SOROS but it's possible I guess.
Making sure he knows about Beto's special origins seems logical.
Maybe we can change Willie's mind.
>https:// operationdisclosure.blogspot.com/2018/09/restored-republic-via-gcr-as-of-sept-13.htm
NO need to break links any more anon
Heaven for me and dogs; TX is hell for oxen and pedos.
an EW package retrofitted (?)
Please clarify what you are asking and what you intend.
Daniel Andrev was a Russian mystic. He seems to be describing what is happening now in this book written in Russian prisons between 1947 and 1957.
back at you anon