Good morning, swordanon!
You are going to have to get used to it. If it bothers you that much, do what I do, and make valuable posts or connections or digs, and post clothed beauties. Like this one.
This explanation sums it up.
Here's the Q proof to go with it, along with NK summary:
Q advises we're dealing with good vs evil. Each group (religion, ethnicity, nationality, etc.) has both. My litmus test for things like this? What's the purpose of "X". For example, if your issue deals with, say, gun control, you know you can break it down like this:
Gun control makes you feel safer
Gun control removes anons rights to defend themselves
They are called "first responders" because the incident is likely already over (in a bad way for victims)
Against the fucking constitution
Then you know, pretty fucking well, that gun control = BAAAAAAD.
Do a pro/con of your issue. Does it serve a system of control? Does it alienate the God given rights of citizens? Does it take power from citizenry and into the hands of someone else? Is it something that goes against the constitution? Then it's bad.
Any issue you take with a position against DJT, you should discuss it with his public relations. If you are running for office, you can put in a request for information with them, and get an answer to your question, or at least some useful dialogue.
What you'll get here is poking/prodding until the question surfaces, then it will be endless debate back and forth with shills on one side, anons on another, and unsure anons in the middle.
Q's board, /patriotsfight/, is literally telling the master narrative that the MSM isn't covering. This platform is so huge now, it's overshadowing all MSM coverage of everything Trump-related to those that are "in the know". It's quite amazing what those patriots have done, here.