Anonymous ID: ce9f24 Sept. 13, 2018, 5:19 a.m. No.3004873   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Interesting link.


'''Clinton and Bush Sr……BIG into Trafficking kids and drugs


See Saddam had a secret about Sr. He knew about the child trafficking and that they were keeping the kids in Iran. When he found out, he wanted a cut to stay quiet. Sr was way too greedy and instead took our troops over there to try to overthrow him. Didn’t work this time.


In 1993, Wilbur Ross (Greek Life Associate and current Commerce Secretary under Trump) got a few buddies together and financed the creation of the Federal Bridge Certification Authority Network. Now at the time, Ross was a Rothschild Banker. He’s the one that bailed Trump out in 1989 by being the only one that would loan him the 1.5 Billion dollars he needed in order to stay afloat. If he didnt… he would never become POTUS. He knew that. He had to make a deal with the devil but also make sure that Karma played out and he helped Ross as well. Everything has to be in a complete harmonious circle.


Funny thing about the Greek Life Associates is that its a much better term than what they are REALLY known as.

  1. Skull and Bones.


Ross and his friends financed the creation of the FBCAN so that aides to Senator Obama could hack into the US Defense Red Switch Network and allow SERCO to stand down US military response to “Man in the middle” attacks on the US National Command Authority. ALSO Ross and the 322 offer RICO investment banking services to SERCO


SERCO is the UK outsourcer of all the attacks. They had a BIGGER plan for the FBCAN. They began an internal Blackmail system where companies (Lockheed Martin for example) will “employ higher people in power in Government” pay them and they will find out shortly that they are owned. By creating the FBCAN…..they literally created the LARGEST Pedophile Blackmail network EVER'''