The Dark Night of the Soul
45 Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour.
46 And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
Social media is designed to be addictive. Let us avoid going into withdrawal as the 'darkness' :) closes-in, as the frantic silicon valley soyboyz, pedovores, finish panicking, and finish wrecking themselves.
God withdraws from His Chosen, to see if they have internalized the message, to give us trial-by-fire experience of the fruits of our dedicated service, to try for ourselves the steel we have by faith, diligence, devotion, wrought inside ourselves.
The interruption of the external communication invites us to go more fully within. Our prayer work is 90% of the work, nearly 100x more effective than the blabla.
The Plan was wrought not by us, but as answer to our fervent prayers, on the brink of doom. The Plan is not implemented by us, but by those who forged it in our behalf.
Our work here has been simply to inform our prayers, and Fortify the Brethren.
We have all we really need to know: The nature of our foe, where it's lairs are, and the vast opportunity we create for our children and all life on earth for the next thousand years, by supporting our champions with prayer as they take the battle to the foe in our behalf.
They do not need us looking over their shoulders, they need us to be strong, to show our steel, in support of the comatose, in our immediate families and circle of influence. To be unbreakable links fortifying the fabric of society, points of light, a field of stars.
And to get the votes out this November, for the Lion Party, The Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Oorah.
A hug beats a million Likes. A timely phone call beats a deluge of emails.
We have won. We won. We are tasked with mighty exertions, to minimize the price of the victory.
The price of finally, withdrawing our support from the parasites, the Essence of the Plan is to contain their inevitable recourse to destructive orgies attempting to take us down with them, in response to withdrawing ourselves from them. No longer consenting to be livestock.
To Take Dominion Over the Earth, to take back what we have so desperately foolishly abdicated to freaks.
Put away from you their satanic rituals, the rock music, sugar anything which befuddles you, the cravings for intrigue and sensation. The Cross is a Launchpad. The time on the cross is not a doing, it is a being. We simply endure it. Meditate. Contemplate. Do not, fret.
Be content being reborn in agony, passing through the most profound loneliness as the gateway. Simplicity. (Clowns, which means it’s pretty secure) (KGB, so to speak, which means it’s pretty secure) (Kinda goofy, but all the right freaks hate them)
Which one do I recommend? All of them. Switch back and forth. Get a message on one, reply on another, simply to keep them frantic :)