Anonymous ID: 151434 Feb. 7, 2018, 7:14 p.m. No.300632   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0675


and yet, there’s still nothing tangible to point to… to proselytize to the poor souls who are blinded by a lifetime of propaganda.. who cannot, will not, fathom and reality that isn’t fed to them through the MSM. Who look to the likes of Judd Legum on twitter to discern their reality.


Q I try so hard. I have a 140 IQ, I lay it out and people that really really know me pay attention, only because I am so often right in my analysis in other aspects of life.


BUT ON THIS STUFF…. they will humor me, but they DONT WANT IT TO BE TRUE.


we need public disclosure bigly. yugely! quickly.


I understand why timing is everything. I really really do. my head does. My heart hurts.