Anonymous ID: 299306 Feb. 7, 2018, 7:35 p.m. No.301109   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1144 >>1160

Someone with insight please summarize for us slowfags what has happened tonight.


Did Q kill that internet guy who is best friends with JA? Or did the bad guys heart attack him? In either case, why?


Did Q livestream a hit man killing someone in China, or someone just taking intel? Why did Q begin it by saying, We see you… Why did Q say the last guest had arrived? Why was the window open before the last guest arrived? Why was there an explosion after the last guest arrived? If bad guys, why didn't Q stop them? If good guys, why are we blowing things up and / or executing people when we could be sending them gitmo and extracting info?


And yes 100% there are cures for almost every disease, and most of them are known. For example, diabetes type 2 is cured in a few months through simple water only fasting.