Anonymous ID: 37f7b8 Feb. 7, 2018, 7:38 p.m. No.301169   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What if cures already exist for cancer, eh?


So all the cancer centers in the US and other countries are just fronts? The goal of cancer research is to cure cancer and great advances have been made with actual cancer research trials and laboratory research. Based on what I have seen, the goal has not been to figure out ways to develop treatments that keep a patient on chemo for life. The goal has been to make the disease disappear with treatment. Cancer is caused by stupid mutations that form tumors that the body can't get rid of on its own. They cause organ failures. That is what I have gathered. To say there is a cure for cancer and it can't be broadcasted immediately to the public is immoral. If Q knows of a cure for cancer, they should tell the public officially, immediately. Would blow my mind if true.