Anonymous ID: b896af Feb. 7, 2018, 7:28 p.m. No.300928   🗄️.is 🔗kun



You do understand this is a public board, right? Nothing posted here is secret any longer. It does make sense to not advertise the LOCATION of this board so it doesn't become overrun or counter productive, but the CONTENTS of this board are for all freedom lovers everywhere.


Intel cover? It's a hell of an ego-trip to think you are privy to information so sensitive it can't be shared simply because you were able to navigate to an 8-chan board. We are told this is the largest intel drop in our country's history. Our purpose is exactly the opposite of your request that we hoard data. Our purpose is to share what's here in a format that helps redpill normies. We seek to add as many voices as possible to our own as we unite in a thunderous scream for the truth to be set free.


You are not special and you literally know nothing that should not be shared with anyone who is interested.