Anonymous ID: 4621f7 First postanon, any1 got Kanye Crumbs? Sept. 13, 2018, 6:43 a.m. No.3005409   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Is Mr. West controlled by the deep-state? His "nervous breakdowns" had him talking about 45's sensibility and greatness, he said T has "dragon energy" and has tweeted about running in 2024, for a second I was thinking Ye was the male Candace Owens but I feel like he shot his political ambitions in the face with his new song "I love it." Was about to make Ye (album) about very spicy political opinions yet purportedly redid the whole shit last minute.

He made a song with Jay Electronica (saint Pablo) and Jay was f*cking around w Kate Rothschild for a lil bit. Who is Kanye West?

Q, pls.

Anonymous ID: 4621f7 Sept. 13, 2018, 6:57 a.m. No.3005541   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pizzagate 1.0 failed because people stopped associating it with the Podesta emails and started associating it with the Comet Pizza shooting. People think that by reasoning that Comet Pizza doesn't have a basement, that pizza gate is false…Don't be another fuckup like that shooter, y'all. Don't go and sour the potential mass-understanding that could occur about pizza gate by going and doing something dumb like that. If you know anybody about to be aggressive from our side of the awakening, f*cking stop them. We want peace, unity, we are here to trust the plan and communicate truths.


Pizzagate 2.0 could well have meat on the bone in terms of validity and truth, but other than autists digging up new things for us to know and share.


Anyways, don't be fcking stupid, that comet shooter was probably MKUltra-ed anyways. So don't be fcking stupid, also don't be mind controlled. kthxbye