Anonymous ID: 61ac43 Sept. 13, 2018, 6:09 a.m. No.3005153   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5170 >>5209 >>5217

possibly notable voat v/GreatAwakening mod is run by a possible plant!


VoatAnon here, the v/GreatAwakening owner, Srayzie, is a plant! I left the site a month ago when I caught a known Q disinfo agent on voat (Oh_Well_ian EUfag, excuse my grammar).


A month ago he accused me of disinformation for reposting the MSM 4am attack orders against Q that I took from notables here.


He, Srayzie and a couple of other goons ganged up on me, claiming I might be disinfo. When I hit back (always with arguments, never with insults) I managed to get Srayzie and others to admit the post is true, those were the MSM orders to attack Q, but interestingly, OWi still kept his ground that I was a disinfo agent. It is all in the first link, all my accusations are backed up by previous encounters while their accusations are rumors with no evidence, they didnt even bother to MicroChip me with some fake evidence, they just spread rumors about me. Voat is a small community and I learned that they do not care about stuff like this, I was defended by nobody and that is why I left. Yesterday I got locked out of my twitter account and I have nowhere to go. I love voat but I cant go back there waging pointless wars again. Also worth noting, always check v/new in whatever sub you are. Voats v/all is heavily controlled, you only a few accounts to stop good posts from trending.


Much love from Croatia, the People of Europe are with you!

Anonymous ID: 61ac43 Sept. 13, 2018, 6:52 a.m. No.3005488   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5553


Someone might accidently spread disinfo once or twice in a year or two but when it happens every now and then, it is suspicious. OWi was caught lying/spreading disinfo a ton of times. Even claimed once he is a photoshop expert so he can debunk the "moloch obama" photo as a fake (it ended up not being obama nor photoshop, it was some festival guy who had very similiar face lines line Hussein, next to him was the Davis guy, Hussein's friend)


In the picture I uploaded, Srayzie was setting up the stage so she can remove me (oh_well_ian is fighting with shills, people dont like it)

I fight with arguments and logic, never with insults or mockery.



Proof number two, srayzie, owner of voat's v/GreatAwakening, doesnt know what [4am] marker stands for. I even did the effort to make that picture myself and got attacked by the owner for "confusing people".



Meh, she might be CO, might not be. She got a lot of points when she attacked the Prime Minister (hardcore EUcuck) but nothing happened from it even though obvious laws were broken (hotmail scandal). What to expect from an ex-commie country that branded itself "Socialist Democratic Country" after independence. Just shows how planned the Yugo collapse was (during BC's presidentship)



Thank you, it actually means a lot even though it comes from one anon. I avoided posting here, lurked Q since 4chan but started believing when they moved here (AF1 NK proof is a strong one). Main reason why I avoided coming here is because I do not want to shit up the bread with useless crumbs. I will stop posting my voat "drama" unless something important happens.