Anonymous ID: abd279 Sept. 13, 2018, 5:27 a.m. No.3004920   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The problem with banker Jamie Dimon running for President is that he doesn’t have the aptitude or “smarts” & is a poor public speaker & nervous mess - otherwise he is wonderful. I’ve made a lot of bankers, and others, look much smarter than they are with my great economic policy!


Super huge, massive, wonderful and NOTABLE


Google helped Hillary set up secret server to bypass US transparency laws


Sorry if already noted, but this is another proof. I've never heard anybody suggest that Google had done this except Q.

Anonymous ID: abd279 Sept. 13, 2018, 5:44 a.m. No.3005016   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3004895 - Mitch McConnell Likely Under Investigation By Bob Mueller Over Ties To Russia’s Hacking of 2016 Elections


>>3004918 - Mysterious observatory evacuation stirs alien conspiracy theories - Reports that a Blackhawk helicopter and federal agents swooped in and inexplicably evacuated a remote part of New Mexico, including a prominent solar observatory, has some corners of the internet predictably atwitter about a possible alien coverup. 


>>3004923 - Compfy is and Comfy does.


>>3004959 - Google's introverted cofounder has mysteriously disappeared from public life and is reportedly spending more time on his private Caribbean island