Anonymous ID: ad4b9f Sept. 13, 2018, 5:33 a.m. No.3004950   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4957 >>5068 >>5076 >>5107

Pretty loose theory but this is quite literally the only place in the entire world i could hypothesize these thoughts without sounding crazy.


We have had the tech to control weather, form hurricanes ect (HAARP) I know nothing about this tech but it could be plausible that white hats formed Hurricane Florence as a literal storm. A few days ago it was so massive it has caused a few states to evacuate and FEMA (possibly military?) to be deployed in certain areas.


Now trump is tweeting about the storm more and more. Today Florence got lowered to Cat 2. Are white hats using tech to weaken the storm they created? Trumps tweet today made no sense, he clearly knows the storms impact has been lowered:


"We are completely ready for hurricane Florence, as the storm gets even larger and more powerful. Be careful!"


This is clearly double speak. There is no other explanation for it. He is literally setting us up for the big moment "My fellow Americans the storm is upon us.." Florence will hit landfall but will not do any damage at all. Were the states evacuated so major arrests can happen? Am I reaching here?


Let me know.