Anonymous ID: e62d47 Sept. 13, 2018, 7:05 a.m. No.3005618   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Last October end November begin we were told by Q SHTF in real time and to prep and if you read the CBTS breads, bread after bread, happenings and preppings abound. Turns out it was a headfake of sorts, it was really habbening but it was in +++ which turned out to be SA


Just wondering if we got version 1.0 of said headfake, and John Q Public is getting version 2.0…


Although it stands to reason that the cover of a national weather disaster allows for state of emergency preps (martial lawish stuffs) just in case the rats in DC panic and hit a deadmans switch


Instead or at the same time or along with, maybe WW we are getting another /_\ happening,

-there is Syria (with John Kerry coming out of rathole to fox studios yesterday)

-we also got a + in a Q post yesterday and anons did notice it, whats up with Soros and co.


sips coffee and ponders…