Anonymous ID: a10de1 Sept. 13, 2018, 7:31 a.m. No.3005893   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6065

Q! According to this the energy is on our side! This is from Laura Walker who is a POTUS and Q supporter!


The Oracle Report - Thursday, September 13, 2018

Alright, wise owls, let’s do our thing:


1 - JOIN TOGETHER - Collaboration and teamwork of like-minded individuals yields vast results. These results will become more visible/physically manifested during the Full Moon phase (September 24 - 27). A “unity consciousness” is strong within today’s energetics.


In all things, but especially today, it is important to take personal responsibility.


2 - HIGH STRANGENESS AND HIGH STRESS continues with Mars in conjunction with the Black Moon. This aspect is bringing excessiveness with many things (a “hyper-ness”), heightened levels of anger and depression, and abundant energy. Mars and the Black Moon are in Aquarius, the energy that electrifies. Aquarius energy is brilliantly innovative, which is often first misunderstood as “weird.” (Aquarians get touchy with the word weird, so let’s understand the true meaning.) Fantastic things are coming to light and being created from this conjunction of Mars and the Black Moon.


Wise owls, remember this: Whenever Mars is involved, it is important to MOVE. Move your body and mind. Mars = move. If you are experiencing anxiety or insomnia, move your body. Listen to music. Do something other than remaining in the paralyzed state.


3 - DETAILS - Pay attention to the finer details today. Fine-tune things. Try to integrate late inspirations, ideas, or information. Mercury makes opposition with Neptune today. The energetic is in effect all day with exact opposition at 9:27 pm ET/1:27 am UT. Mercury is discharging “a fine lace ornamental handkerchief.”


We do have false flag and war energy enhanced with Neptune now discharging “an officer drilling his men in simulated attack.” This energetic includes actual operations as well as drills or simulations.


4 - DARK TO LIGHT - The Moon is moving toward conjunction with Jupiter all day today (exact conjunction occurs overnight at 12:33 am ET/4:33 am UT). The Moon “activates” and Jupiter “expands.”


The conjunction occurs at 20 Scorpio and the Sabian symbol of “a woman drawing aside two dark curtains that closed the entrance to a sacred pathway.” We love this symbol, yes?


Venus adds more energy for revealing what has been hidden or shadowed as it discharges 04 Scorpio, “a youth holding a lighted candle in a devotional ritual.” Revelations are coming quickly. What happens today will directly connect/repeat/come to another level between October 24-26, 2018, when Venus retrogrades back to this degree.


The cabal will suffer significant degradation today; it will be visible by October 24 - 26.


5 - THE HUMAN LINEAGE begins to come together after a prolonged period of divide and conquer. There is not much left to divide us. Now, humanity is coming back together, stronger than before. We will watch this unfold.


(Deeper dive: This “coming together” begins now with the configuration of the Sun and Earth amplifying the Moon-Jupiter conjunction. At the time of the conjunction, the Sun will be discharging “a royal coat of arms enriched with precious stones” - the divine lineage of humanity - and the Earth discharging “a man bringing down the new law from Mount Sinai.” The Black Moon is now discharging “a council of ancestors” - which brings the wisdom and experience and MEMORY of our ancestors.)


6 - TAKE CARE OF YOUR HEART - The Chiron Point energetic of wounding, healing, and teaching is still in effect today but will begin to lessen tomorrow. This presses on issues related to our hearts being hurt and where we have hurt the hearts of others. If the latter is weighing on you and if a direct apology is unfeasible or not possible, an apology offered to the spirit of that person is always feasible and possible.


That’s all for today, other than remembering that this year the energetic of “through imagination a lost opportunity is regained” is in effect. Engage your imagination. Put everything on the table and see what you have (don’t outright reject any ideas).


All of this is turning into something - something good.