Anonymous ID: ba2e0e Sept. 13, 2018, 7:43 a.m. No.3006012   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'm surprised Sergey Brinn and Larry Page were so one sided and blinded by greed and power, that meeting was an eye opener. I remember Sergey Brinn going on and on, how they're a fair company, open in a sense, and his motto and Google's early on was don't be evil. Truth is they want their foot in the door when it comes to China, the swamp would have cut them a deal, especially if they favored the swamp, I mean look at their news fact check service, its so slanted and one sided, even worse than Snopes most times, and its hardcoded into their Google News portal, you can't even get rid of it. These tech companies are driven by greed and power, the swamp is their friend, they can swing deals for them if they do the swamp favors, like manipulate information to their favor. Watch them now delist sites they don't like from their search results and on YT full swing, it's what these companies do when exposed, they go all in, trying to fake everyone out as if they're not biased and they give laughable bullshit excuses in the meantime, which they have already begun to do.