Anonymous ID: d76c4d Sept. 13, 2018, 9:53 a.m. No.3007361   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7370

U'mm…carrier on standby.

What could possibly go wrong?


▪US Destroyer Enters Mediterranean As Syria Tensions Build; Carrier On Standby▪


An American battleship, the USS Bulkeley destroyer, has reportedly entered the Mediterranean and is headed for Syria, equipped with over 50 Tomahawk missiles. This deployment comes after previous reports of the attack submarine USS Newport News (SSN-750) arriving in the Mediterranean, and after the arrival Tuesday of A U.S. Marine Corps small attack carrier full of F-35B stealth jets, the USS Essex, in the Middle East region as detailed by the military website, Task and Purpose.


The Russian news agency Interfax now reports that American forces in the region possess up to 200 Tomahawk cruise missiles available to strike targets in Syria if ordered to do so….