Anonymous ID: ea14b6 Sept. 13, 2018, 10:18 a.m. No.3007613   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7815

A fellow Anon who doesn't post here sent me this. What do you think?


I woke up at 3 AM with this epiphany. Florence was steered into the coast, but the High pressure on shore is going to prevent it from coming on land very much. Why? Because there is a sub armada off the coast that was going to attack on 9/11. The Corona satellites were blinded to block the Syndicate from sending them intel for their attack. Subs cannot see when they are under water. The storm screwed up all their clock-navigation systems. The US Navy went to sea 2 days ago to take them out at sea.


I am guessing this storm is going to stall. Check this video out. Hurricane Florence - You Need To See This!!! Carolinas Heads UP!

Anonymous ID: ea14b6 Sept. 13, 2018, 10:41 a.m. No.3007844   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This actually gives some meat to my friends theory…

" Florence was steered into the coast, but the High pressure on shore is going to prevent it from coming on land very much. Why? Because there is a sub armada off the coast that was going to attack on 9/11. The Corona satellites were blinded to block the Syndicate from sending them intel for their attack. Subs cannot see when they are under water. The storm screwed up all their clock-navigation systems. The US Navy went to sea 2 days ago to take them out at sea."


…and he guessed it was going to stall and he was right.

" I am guessing this storm is going to stall. "