The level of insanity on the left keeps raising the bar.
Crazy, just nuts. Openly threatening to kill people on a board the whole world is watching.
You can’t make this stuff up. You certainly can’t buy a ticket to this kind of comedy act. Wow
The level of insanity on the left keeps raising the bar.
Crazy, just nuts. Openly threatening to kill people on a board the whole world is watching.
You can’t make this stuff up. You certainly can’t buy a ticket to this kind of comedy act. Wow
i’m stealing that. just so ya know.,.
She’s not writing all those posts. She’s just a poster child
Leafie. I’ve see you come here time and again and act the ass.
Seriously, who do you think will back you?
You made this bed.
Sorry dude/dudett?….!
Hundred years earlier she could I had a part in the original Frankenstein movie as his bride
It is all good. Welcome!!!
Kennedy was a dem. It’s all good.
Everybody was lied too. This is not about dem/repub. It’s a battle between good and evil.
HUge diff!
Florence 15:08 est
pics related
Times change….
If you think my typing that is in anyway a support your ridiculous theories…..sorry.
I was actually laughing at you. Again sorry not sorry!