Your ignorance of biology is showing, not to mention your globalist clown agenda. Tracing so called "racial differences" needs to start in Mesopotamia, where all of mankind is first found in the scientific, archeological, and written historical evidence trail and record.
You have to use Mitochondrial DNA to trace the genetics of humans. This is the separate specific DNA passed down unaltered from woman to woman mother to daughter, and never man to man. Why?
Because it is never changed as it is passed, it is the only DNA that can run a proper trace of the development of original tribes into nations etc. Mesopotamia is in northern Africa. It is called the cradle of civilization. Look it up.
Today, mitochondrial DNA traces us to only one original woman who had within her every possible genetic combination for the entirety of humanity, every hair color, eye color, size, skull shape etc. (sauce included below, and if you don't like the biblical implications, too bad, deal with it)
How did we get races as a current myth?
As original Mesopotamian tribes migrated, certain concentrated regular DNA traits migrated with them, leaving others behind in Mesopotamia, thus creating the "illusion" of race.
For further understanding of the biological truth of it all, consider this.
Only one molecule creates skin color.
It is called melanin.
How much melanin you can produce for your skin color is an additive gene like the gene for tallness. The more genes you have to produce melanin, the darker your skin will be.
When a Mesopotamian tribe broke off to migrate, if the majority of their population had very few genes for the production of melanin, they would be very light skinned people. We are much like the different varieties of dogs all descendant from the original wolf.
Scientifically, and historically, the concept of race is a fairy tale perpetrated upon us all when we could not prove otherwise with science.
Regular biologists like myself are paid to push lies in the high schools, while geneticists know better.
Catch up, and quit helping the globalists perpetrate a lie upon humanity.
Scientifically, race is a lie, so now they have to confuse the word "race" with "culture", "nationality", "regionalism". to keep the lie alive.
This is why Colleges now encourage students to call any objection toward illegal Mexicans or other nationalities invading our nations borders…. "racist".
Mexico is not a race, it is a nationality.
Black Americans, White Americans, and every shade of melanin in between, are in fact all of one origin, one "human race".
Q speaks the truth.
This is not a battle of religion against religion, nation against nation, culture against culture. This is a battle of good vs evil, both of which show up in ALL humans of every stripe and polka dot all over the world.
Google it. It is one sauce of many many many….>>3001721