Anonymous ID: da26e6 Sept. 13, 2018, 12:57 p.m. No.3009673   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9684 >>9821 >>0048 >>0257 >>0316



Visitors begin to arrive in Damascus International Fair on its 8th day


Nearly 250,000 refugees return to Syria from abroad — Russian Defense Ministry

"Thanks to the measures taken, a total of 1,472,637 Syrians have been able to return home," he said, adding that "1,230,342 internally displaced persons have returned and another 242,295 Syrian refugees have come back from abroad," the Russian general added.


Russia to open 26 extra crossing points for Syrian refugees

"Due to the expected increase in number of Syrians returning home, we are carrying out preparations for the opening of 26 extra crossing points, including two maritime and three aerial entry points. The works are carried out in accordance with the roadmaps and in cooperation with the Syrian officials," Savchenko said during a joint session of the interdepartmental coordination headquarters supervising the return of refugees.


Large Turkish Army convoy enters Idlib province

Another large Turkish military convoy has entered the northwestern province of Idlib, today, as the Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) offensive approaches.

Turkey has proven to be one of the biggest obstacles for the Syrian Army in the Idlib Governorate, as their refusal to withdraw from certain areas has forced the latter to avoid attacking certain fronts.


Exclusive - Turkey boosts arms to Syrian rebels as Idlib attack looms - rebel sources



Turkish-Backed Militants Arrest More Civilians Supporting Reconciliation Process

According to the Damascus government and the Ministry of Defense of Russia, hundreds of civilians have been arrested by the SLF and other groups, including Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) for supporting the reconciliation process since the beginning of August.

Syrian pro-government activists believe that the militants may execute these detainees to demonstrate their influence and to terrorize the civilians in their areas in northwestern Syria.


ISIS Releases New Video Of Hostages Amid Developing Syrian Army Advance In Al-Safa

Meanwhile, ISIS released a new video of around 30 civilian hostages, who were abducted from their homes in the eastern al-Suwayda countryside in late July. In the video, one of the hostages, “Rasmiah Adib Abu Ammar,” called on the Damascus government to increase its efforts to free them through negotiations.

Turkish Army Deploys Battle Tanks In Northern Hama For First Time (Video)

NOTE: Turkey is openly supporting the terrorists.


Moscow concerned about US attempts to prepare public opinion for aggression against Syria

“Regarding the international political point of view, the most serious concern is using of a very serious range of opportunities by Washington: from statements by officials to comments by biased media, the goal seems to be the preparation of public opinion for a new aggression against Syria,” Maria Zakharova said.



Have to post in 2 parts



Anonymous ID: da26e6 Sept. 13, 2018, 12:58 p.m. No.3009684   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9821 >>0048 >>0257 >>0316


Ala: Coercive measures imposed on Syria by some countries violate international law

Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN in Geneva, Ambassador Hussam Eddin Ala said that the resort of some countries to impose a siege, embargo, or unilateral coercive economic and financial measures against other countries contradicts the UN Charter and violates international law.


Syrian Army Clears Large Area Of Homs Desert From ISIS Cells (Video, Photos)


Scores of Daesh and Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists in Hama, Idleb and Sweida killed by Army

Army units on Thursday inflicted heavy losses upon terrorists affiliated to Jabhat al-Nusra terror organization spread in the countryside of Idleb and Hama Province.

SANA reporter in Hama said that an army unit targeted with concentrated blows a terrorist group fortified in cliffs and targeting the surrounding area of al-Massasina town in the northern countryside of the Province with sniper shots, killing all of its members including the terrorist Suleiman Ali.


Syrian Army Strikes Militant Gatherings And Positions In Hama And Idlib

the SAA shelled and destroyed a headquarters of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) near the town of al-Tamanah in the southern Idlib countryside. The SANA’s reporter in Hama said that several militants were killed and injured in the shelling.


Now U.S. Threatens To Punish Syria For Any Attack On Idlib

On September 12th, in an interview with Fox News, US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley claimed that US and its allies, most members of the UN Security Council, would “address” an attack on civilians in Syria’s Idlib province, not just a chemical attack.

Anonymous ID: da26e6 Sept. 13, 2018, 12:59 p.m. No.3009709   🗄️.is 🔗kun





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Anonymous ID: da26e6 Sept. 13, 2018, 1 p.m. No.3009722   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9809

Bouchey to appear on Megan Kelley


Irony and indicative of the kind of success one can achieve from Executive Success Programs.

Barbara Bouchey, former girlfriend of Keith Alan Raniere AKA Vanguard, will appear on Megan Kelly Today – tomorrow at 9:)) AM. She appears live with Kelly and CBC host Josh Bloch.

Bloch hosted the six-part podcast on NXIVM “Escaping NXIVM”, which features Sarah Edmondson’s harrowing story of her involvement and ultimate extrication from the cult that brands and blackmails women.

Bouchey also escaped NXIVM in 2009 with eight other women, the group being later dubbed the NXIVM-9.

Her departure caused hardly a ripple and could have been a gradual exit except that Raniere had to try to punish her for leaving.

He tried every legal trick and wound up suing her repeatedly spending millions of heiresses Clare and Sara Bronfman’s money in an attempt to destroy and humiliate her. The lawsuits tended to work in reverse and through discovery, the media and public came to learn that Raniere had blown through more than $100 million of the Bronfman sisters’ money.

Many other secrets – including Raniere’s lascivious lifestyle – were also divulged. Because of Raniere’s incessant and relentless pursuit of Bouchey, he drove her into bankruptcy and ultimately did succeed in getting her indicted.

To do so, Clare Bronfman perjured herself to gain jurisdiction on a computer trespassing charge but the case was dropped when Clare was caught lying. Because of her enormous wealth, she was not charged with perjury as she should have been.

Before she left NXIVM, Bouchey was one of the highest ranking members holding the green sash and was one of its top recruiters. She organized Vanguard Week and instituted many of NXIVM’s features prior to her departure.

She has often referred to the NXIVM era when she was one of the top ranking people in it as kind of a “Camelot.”

Bouchey has steadfastly maintained that despite Raniere being a scoundrel (she was in his harem and much of the time, she says, she was completely unaware that he had other girlfriends) the NXIVM courses themselves were nevertheless very good

Tomorrow she will tell some of her story to Megan Kelly. Bouchey also appears in the CBC podcast “Escaping NXIVM.”

Ironically, she appears before millions on the same day that Keith Raniere along with Clare Bronfman, Nancy Salzman, Lauren Salzman, Allison Mack and [hopeless fall girl] Kathy Russell will, once again, appear before Judge Nicholas G. Garaufis for a status conference regarding their criminal case.

Bouchey will appear before millions and possibly be praised – and those who worked to destroy her are facing years in prison.

Viva Executive Success!

Anonymous ID: da26e6 Sept. 13, 2018, 1:02 p.m. No.3009764   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9821 >>0048 >>0098 >>0257 >>0316

Wealthy elitists literally living off blood transfusions from children … Modern “vampires” are real


With their expensive homes and vehicles and glittering lifestyles, they may seem nothing like the vampires of fictional literature, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t sucking the life out of their victims. Reaching an all new low in exploitation of the poor and innocent, it has now become fashionable for the idle rich to try to hang on to their youth and beauty by getting expensive blood transfusions using the blood of young children.


As reported by Fellowship of the Minds, members of the “healthy but wealthy” elite are paying upwards of $8,000 for 1.5 liters (34 fluid ounces) of young blood in a desperate bid to turn back the hands of time. (Related: Thousands of blood-sucking vampires actually live all over the world, and they just need a little help, study says.)

Parabiosis: A way for the parasitic rich to suck the life out of young children


The concept of infusing young blood into older bodies – known as parabiosis – is nothing new. Medical Daily notes that not only its anti-aging merits but also its potential in speeding up the metabolism and fighting diabetes and cancer have been a recognized field of study for at least a century.


Strictly speaking, parabiosis involves linking the circulatory systems of two animals together. Science has moved way beyond the initial animal experiments which involved literally sewing the circulatory systems of rats together, however. Nowadays, researchers are focusing on simply isolating specific proteins and plasma from young blood and injecting it into old patients to derive the “benefits” of the treatment in a far more streamlined and less invasive way.

Anonymous ID: da26e6 Sept. 13, 2018, 1:05 p.m. No.3009804   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9872

Thousands of food poisoning cases believed to be caused by fish are actually caused by environmental pollution


People are fond of seafood. In the U.S., this means that a person, on average, will consume more than 47 pounds (around 21.51 kg) of fish and seafood in a year. Unfortunately, this also means that his chances of being poisoned by eating contaminated fish are also increased. An article published in the journal Global Food Security looked at the impact of these outbreaks, as well as possible solutions to mitigate the effects.


Seafood, for the most part, is an essential part of a healthy diet; however, it isn’t without risk. The likelihood of being poisoned after eating seafood, identified by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as “an underrecognized health hazard,” is a real threat – with factors such as coral reef damage and the spread of toxic algal blooms only increasing the risk of illness.


The most common types of poisoning include the following:


Ciguatera – The condition occurs after eating reef fish that have been contaminated with toxins from the Gambierdiscus toxicus, which include ciguatoxin or maitotoxin. In particular, G. toxicus is a small marine organism found around dead coral reefs, where it is ingested by herbivorous fish. These are then consumed by carnivorous fish, which are then, in turn, eaten by humans. During this process, the toxins from G. toxicus become more concentrated and modified, with the areas with the highest amounts of ciguatoxins including the liver, intestine, roe, and head. Current estimates record at least 50,000 ciguatera cases per year worldwide.

Shellfish poisoning – There are several forms of shellfish poisoning; however, these usually affect filter-feeding bivalve mollusks (such as mussels and scallops), gastropod mollusks (like abalone and whelk), and crustaceans (including shrimps and lobsters). Shellfish become poisoned after ingesting small marine organisms found in harmful algal blooms (HABs) like Karenai brevis.

Amnesic shellfish poisoning – This refers to a rare form of poisoning after consuming shellfish that have been contaminated with toxins from species of Pseudonitzchia plankton, commonly found in the Americas and parts of Europe. People who are affected with this condition experience life-threatening symptoms, which can include hypotension, arrhythmia, coma, and even death.


In the article, the authors compiled the latest scientific literature on human cases after exposure to these biotoxins. In particular, they found multiple cases of poisonings caused by marine biotoxins between 2001 to 2015, with the algae that produce these toxins spreading to become HABs. The authors, however, noted that reported cases of seafood poisoning are “largely underestimated” since symptoms are commonly associated with common infections.


The authors also noted that certain factors affect the spread of marine toxins. These included temperature, water pH/salinity, current patterns, and anthropogenic (man-made) nutrient output. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the last factor is directly caused when freshwater runoff or heating creates a stratified surface layer above colder waters. This surface is where algae rapidly develop and consume the nutrients in this layer, leaving only nitrogen and phosphorus in the lower layers. This, then, creates an algal bloom where the waters have no nutrients and are incapable of sustaining life.

Anonymous ID: da26e6 Sept. 13, 2018, 1:08 p.m. No.3009850   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hadi and The White Helmet Boys - Hero's by Day, Terrorists by Night! One of the Best Videos for Simply Red-Pilling People on the White Helmets Terrori


This reveals the real story of the Helmets. I put this together using their own clips uploaded to the Internet. It provides a unique juxtaposition of their terrorist activities and fake rescue actions. It's definitely worth checking out and sharing with friends and family. I put this together in early 2018 as a way to cut through the mainstream media's wall of bullshit, lies and deception. Feel free to download and mirror it.


To use Steemit link, copy and paste whole link into browser:–helmet-boys-one-of-the-best-videos-for-simply-red-pilling-people-on-the–helmets-terrorist-ruse


Link to You Tube version:;v=HIjne4Rwteo

Anonymous ID: da26e6 Sept. 13, 2018, 1:11 p.m. No.3009898   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This Anti-China Foreign Policy Piece Makes No Sense


A recent Foreign Policy piece on the reeducation campaign in China's Xinjiang region is another example of nonsensical claims made in the current anti-China propaganda campaign.


Notice the picture caption:


Uighur people pick up their children from school on July 27, 2017, in Kashgar City, Xinjiang, where everyday activities such as wearing a headscarf in the presence of the PRC flag can be cause for detainment.


The picture caption makes no sense. Carl Zha points out that every school in China flies the People's Republic of China flag. It is raised in a weekly ceremony each Monday morning. All the women in the picture above wear headscarfs in the presence of a PRC flag. Will they all be detained for some ideological training? How come they show no fear of being thrown into a "concentration camp"?


The Foreign Policy piece is based on a Human Rights Watch (pdf) report which again is based on interviews with 56 expatriates from the Xinjiang area of China. These people make claims of reasons for which they believe they themselves, or people they claim to know, were put through ideological training sessions. The FP author list all 48 of these reasons, claimed by notoriously unreliable expats, even when many of them do not make any sense.


How can "Trying to kill yourself when in the education camps" be a reason to be send into an education camp? "Owning welding equipment" is likewise certainly not something, on its own, that will put anyone into ideological training. China has an active anti-smoking campaign with high penalties for smoking in prohibited space. To then claim that "Abstaining from cigarettes" is a reason for being send into reeducation is obviously nonsense.


Sine the early 1990s a number of terror incidents by the East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM) killed several hundred people in China. ETIM is sanctioned by the UN as an al-Qaeda aligned movement. Three years ago China decided to attack the problem at its roots. It prohibited Salafist-Wahhabi Islamic practice, which was only recently imported into the traditionally Sufi Uyghur-Muslim areas, and it tries to weed out any such ideology. It also fears the potential growth of an ethnic-nationalistic Turkic Uyghur movement, sponsored by Turkey, that could evolve into a separatist campaign.


People who are susceptible to such ideologies will be put through an reeducation training which includes language lessons in Mandarin and general preparation for the job market. This may not be the way 'western' countries mishandle a radicalization problem, but it is likely more efficient. There surly are aspects of the program that can be criticized. But to claim that these trainings happen in "concentration camps" and for nonsensical reasons is sheer propaganda.


For more on the issue you can listen to Carl Zha's recent Clash of Civilization podcast: Trouble on the Silk Road: The Real Situation of Uyghurs in China.

Anonymous ID: da26e6 Sept. 13, 2018, 1:13 p.m. No.3009925   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9940 >>0388

Gillibrand: I Never Meant Abolish ICE When I Said ‘Abolish ICE’


Democratic Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand of New York stated Wednesday that her calls to abolish the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) were misconstrued, claiming that despite saying “we need to abolish ICE,” she believes America still needs an agency that will fulfill the goals that ICE was created to achieve.


Claiming that the agency has strayed from its intended duties, Gillibrand argued that ICE in its current form should be eliminated, but that a new agency should replace it that will execute the same mission of enforcing U.S. immigration laws and investigating criminal activity of foreign nationals residing within the country.


“Give [ICE] a new name and a new directive,” Gillibrand told The Post-Star‘s editorial board.


Gillibrand recommended that the government “reimagine” the agency, however, her office did not respond to requests from The Daily Caller News Foundation to clarify what her proposed agency would look like and how it would differ from ICE’s current form.


The New York senator said that she does not support open borders, and she agrees with ICE’s mission, but claims President Donald Trump and his administration have ruined the reputation of the agency by cracking down on immigrants who illegally cross the border. (RELATED: Democrats Introduce Bill To Abolish ICE, GOP Fires Back)


Nineteen ICE agents reportedly sent letters to Gillibrand complaining that their reputation has been tarnished, leading her to arrive at her policy stance.


“Local law enforcement will not work with them,” Gillibrand said. “Local elected officials aren’t working with them.”


Gillibrand received backlash in late June after saying multiple times that ICE needs to be abolished. Her comments came at a time when numerous other congressmen were advocating for the abolishment of the agency as well.


House Democrats introduced a bill in early July to abolish ICE, but after House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy announced he planned to bring the proposed bill to a vote, those same Democrats called it a “political stunt” and vowed to vote against their own proposal.


Abolishing ICE is largely unpopular — only 25 percent of voters support the proposition, according to a July Politico and Morning Consult poll.

Anonymous ID: da26e6 Sept. 13, 2018, 1:19 p.m. No.3010006   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Grassley Schedules Kavanaugh Vote for Sept. 20th – Feinstein Pulls Stunt Sending High School Harassment Allegation to Federal Authorities…

Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley has scheduled the committee vote on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh for Thursday September 20th. A full senate vote is anticipated prior to the end of this month. SCOTUS session begins October 1st.


In a last ditch effort to come up with some scheme or roadblock, ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Dianne Feinstein, has announced she is referring a High School allegation of sexual misconduct to federal authorities for immediate investigation.


Feinstein refuses to release any details about her reference letter, allowing for maximum innuendo and gossip, and presents a disingenuous and transparently political public release to accompany her announcement. According to the New York Times:

Anonymous ID: da26e6 Sept. 13, 2018, 1:22 p.m. No.3010049   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0063 >>0257 >>0316

Judicial Watch: Strzok-Page Emails Show FBI Officials Using Unsecure Devices for Sensitive Data


(Washington, DC) — Judicial Watch announced today that it has received 47 pages of records from the Department of Justice, including email exchanges between fired FBI official Peter Strzok and FBI attorney Lisa Page revealing that FBI officials used unsecure devices in discussing how the U.S. could improve the sharing of sensitive data with the European Union top executive governing commission.


The documents also reveal that high-ranking FBI officials were not properly read-in to top secret programs.

Anonymous ID: da26e6 Sept. 13, 2018, 1:26 p.m. No.3010108   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Italy - Salvini On National TV Show We Can’t Fill Italy With Africa (Video)


To the surprise of many in the European Parliament, President Jean-Claude Juncker did not speak of Italy where a populist government leads proceedings since a few months.


Italian Interior Minister Mr. Matteo Salvini, therefore, made sure that he dominated TV highlights in the evening again by going on another talk show up against defendants of immigration.


To great applause from the crowds, the most popular politician in Italy made it clear that when it comes to the topic of immigrants “we need to send them all back with the first plane we can find. We can’t fill Italy with Africa”.


“Africa doesn’t belong in Italy. We have too many of them here in Italy.”