Why inflate the PR death toll?
Dollars for hedge fund guys as usual.
This is the source document for the mortality claim in PR.
It's an estimate based on some survey data.
It does not have any names or causes of death.
It takes the living before the storm, subtracts the living from after and makes a guess about how the difference got that way.
The report even laments that too few doctors put down weather as a cause of death.
"Excess mortality estimation
We estimate that in mid-September 2017 there
were 3,327,917 inhabitants and in mid-February
2018 there were 3,048,173 inhabitants of Puerto
Rico, representing a population reduction by
approximately 8%. We factored this into the
migration “displacement scenario” and compared
it with a “census scenario,” which assumed no
displacement from migration in the hurricane’s
aftermath. We found that, historically, mortality
slowly decreased until August 2017, and that rates
increased for the period of September 2017 through
February 2018, with the most dramatic increase
shown in the displacement scenario accounting for
post-hurricane migration."
With a population reduction of 280,000 in a very short period of time and a chaotic environment, doesn't it seem reasonable that some people would be unaccounted for?
When a .01% error in their estimation could account for all 3000 people, doesn't it seem reasonable that bunch of bankers with literally billions to gain could nudge that number a little?
Are bankers and hedge fund guys above taking advantage of tragedy?
I think not, particularly if there's a chance to funnel a few billion taxpayer dollars into a corrupt regime that, for a cut, will send it directly to them in the form of bond interest.
Very legal, of course but you gotta get the dollars into PR first.
Look up PR bond default.
Zero news.
18 months ago, it was very, very big news in the financial world.
If I know this, so do others.