Anonymous ID: 6797c0 Feb. 7, 2018, 8:22 p.m. No.301915   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1973

Q didn't mean ALL diseases already have cures.


I think the key issue here is the NWO's plan for population reduction. They couldn't do this with munitions for obvious reasons but a pathogen would be nearly ideal.


The problem with that plan is that they would have to engineer a preventative/cure before releasing this pathogen on the public.


It seems that HIV (at least) was engineered … I didn't believe it until I began following Q, so maybe it's time to upgrade my tin foil hat. They wouldn't have released it unless they had a vaccine first.


I have looked for prominent/wealthy people who announce they have HIV and it seems either few catch it or they just aren't reported.


Think about it – if they had a vaccine then they're going to administer it to themselves at an early age!


Obviously HIV wasn't successful (by their standards) but what if they have their new superbug already developed?


BTW … development of a vaccine for that sort of thing would require vast numbers of HUMAN subjects.


Vaccines aren't all bad. The science is sound but there are some questions regarding the purity of the isolated antigens in some cases.


I'm a sciencedoctorfag, if you hadn't figured it out.