Anonymous ID: 7e1591 Feb. 7, 2018, 7:50 p.m. No.301383   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1392 >>1399 >>1413 >>1422 >>1443 >>1449 >>1456 >>1492 >>1559 >>1606 >>1609 >>1615

Guys, I’m trying to figure out how tall this guy is. This is what I have so far:

I think his position is:

31°14'53.02" N 121°35'15.62" E


The ratio of his shadow to his height is about 86.5 pixels to 53.5 pixels.

Taking that information over to https: //, it seems to check out (time zone +8)


If you assume the traffic cones are 50cm, which correlates to 21 pixels, you get a height of…4’2”. If you assume it’s 75cm, you get a height of 6’3” (with shoes, and possibly headwear). You also have to take into account that the traffic cone is slightly closer…so I’d venture a guess of 6’1 to 6’3.


If it helps, the distance from camera is, maybe ~178 meters (on the ground). I have no idea what height the picture is taken at, but I’m guessing near the top of the building to the SW of the Shanghai tower.


I’ve got things to do–enough "saving the world" for one day…so I thought I’d let someone take over or fix errors, if they like.

Picture blown up, obviously. And up is North in the map screencap.

Anonymous ID: 7e1591 Feb. 7, 2018, 8:02 p.m. No.301595   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I would be absolutely floored if it was Obama. There's no way it would be posted here. Plus the face looks lighter skinned. Maybe Caucasian or Asian.


Probably some nefarious, big player that few have heard of.

Anonymous ID: 7e1591 Feb. 7, 2018, 8:09 p.m. No.301725   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>Make sure the list of resignations remains >updated.




>When does big pharma make money?


>Curing or containing?




>Mind will be blown by chain of command.




I have believed this for a long time, and to have confirmation is mind blowing. Is it easier to kill something, or control it? Why did we suddenly stop seeing cures for any diseases? Did they all suddenly get way too complicated? Or did someone realize there was more money to be made by keeping people dependent on the medication?


What about those Canadian pharmacists that were recently killed–with ties to Haiti and the Clinton Foundation? Maybe they'd decided to talk…