Q is Satan.
He has been using divination techniques to "predict" the future, but seeing as he doesn't have a link to the Infinite Divine, nothing he does is actually 100% accurate.
The Future Proves the Past is a bullshit statement. The future doesn't exist because there is an element of Free Will. Therefor, the future can't exist with absolute certainty (to a point). It is a realm of infinite possibilities,by logic, due to Choice.
So, it can't prove anything.
The only thing that exists is the Now.
The unfortunate part is that the Q movement has been so "successful" that it is forever linked to Trump, despite Trump being an amazing person.
So, Trump had no choice but to accept the Q movement because you all followed a wolf in sheep's clothing instead of a self-declared wolf anointed by God.
It's sad, but Q and his ilk have already lost.
Remember? The Cabal plays both side of any conflict. Satan destroys his own to help solidify his position of power.
Q is the infiltration attempt against the good guys.
Basically, Anonymous Advanced. (Yes, Anonymous is comp'd too and always have been).
8Chan was bought out. There's no real threat against it. It is just as flawed as 4chan, except very few here know the truth. 4chan, nobody knows the truth. It's just straight disinfo.