Anonymous ID: afa731 Sept. 13, 2018, 5:14 p.m. No.3013578   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3897


RUSH: In addition to the news that we had on Google today and the not surprising news that they are an adjunct to the Democrat Party — and again, it’s a video, a one-hour video of Google high-ranking execs and employees unable to keep it together soon after the election. We posted it, exclusive video sent to Breitbart. We’ve linked to it at


If you have time, you really should watch it. And especially if it’s surprising to you to learn that Google is the Democrat Party. If that kind of surprises you, you really need to watch this. But it doesn’t mean that Google is hogging all the news. Twitter is in the news today. Twitter has announced that they are blocking posts that use the phrase “illegal alien” as hateful.


So if you are going to be tweeting today or tonight, do not use the phrase “illegal alien.” Whatever they do to you, you’ll be shadow banned, deleted, or whatever, because now at Twitter they are saying that is a hateful comment.