Anonymous ID: 0deac9 Sept. 13, 2018, 6:43 p.m. No.3015050   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Been digging on smart meters. Found out they are in use for both gas and electric meters. Both have the same level of security in their firmware as a paper condom.



Both, importantly, require no actual authentication, and can connect to any smart shit on the network. Also share passwords with all other smart meters on the providers network. So, hack one, and one key to rule them all.


You could do it from an Alexa device, if, say, you were a tech giant who had recently been embarrassed and threatened. Use your access to shut off the gas to a house using smart meter. That extinguishes the pilot light on a smart stove, wait 20 minutes, then relight it, or overload the electrical systems. Boom. Good way to say back off if you happened to take "Don't be Evil" out of your motto recently…