Anonymous ID: 27bceb Sept. 13, 2018, 6:24 p.m. No.3014698   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Remember this, Patriots - GEOTUS, Q Team, White Hats, Patriots and Anons everywhere are fighting against real evil. Strozk, Page, Comey, Brennen, and even Hillary are pathetic pawns. None of these losers were given real power, nor will their defeat stop the darkness in this world. These are merely scum sucking minions of the prince of darkness. Don't get me wrong - they are going to hang, soon. My point is that we are fighting against real evil. Dig, Meme and Pray. Mostly pray. The true rulers of darkness (of which GHWB, Hussein, Hillary, etc.) are servants, are more than happy to sacrifice these losers if they can retain their power. It's fine to cry for their just condemnation. But GEOTUS, with God's help, is taking on the bosses. Please pray for protection and success in the real fight that is going on. We all know that ultimately the little g god of this world will not be defeated until Jesus Christ, the Lord of the Harvest, comes back. But He has promised us victory of light over darkness in the meantime, as Joshua was given over the Nephalim. We are fighting the same enemy. Be of good courage.

Who is ready for the fight and take down these stupid giants? I want Nephalim blood to be shed. I want Caananite worship to be silenced. I want the mystery religion practitioners who sacrifice to demons to fear for their lives and the sure righteous judgment that is coming. I want evil doers to flee when no man pursueth, which is how these losers should live, always afraid that someone will discover them. It is time for us to stand up and say enough.