Anonymous ID: 2da54b Sept. 13, 2018, 6:02 p.m. No.3014362   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4471 >>4512 >>4683 >>4770 >>4948

>>3014265 last thread


"Current director of policy at Reddit, Jessica Ashooh, is coming under heavy criticism as Reddit bans pro-President Donald Trump voices.


Ashooh started working for Reddit after an executive stint at the George Soros-funded Atlantic Council. Reddit is run by Steve Huffman, aka “Spez,” following the suicide of free speech-minded Reddit co-founder Aaron Swartz, who faced 35 years in prison in a hotly contested computer fraud case.


Jessica Ashooh is believed by some to be responsible for the account “arabscarab,” which has been leading the charge to shut down the Q Anon movement on the Reddit platform. The Great Awakening, the second-largest pro-Trump subreddit, was banned Tuesday night in a move that has rocked the online community.


More than 30 covert left-wing actors have been identified in the censorship Plot, which includes posing as Trump supporters to post intentionally offensive content and flagging it. Some of these activists are linked to Media Matters and the ACLU. An employee of CBS has been identified as a member of the plot but denies involvement.


Trending: BREAKING: Reddit Shuts Down Second-Largest Pro-Trump Subreddit


Ashooh, overseeing policy at Reddit, is a veteran of George Soros’ Atlantic Council, where she served as deputy director of the Middle East Strategy Task Force as recently as the spring of 2017, when she moved to Reddit. The January 2017 David Brock meeting in Florida, where he laid out a social media censorship plan, kicked off a period of Silicon Valley aggression against the American people at just the time Ashooh was transferring from the Atlantic Council to Reddit. The Atlantic Council now works with Facebook to police independent news content on Mark Zuckerberg’s social media platform."

Anonymous ID: 2da54b Sept. 13, 2018, 6:12 p.m. No.3014512   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4553 >>4802 >>4973


Dr. Jessica P. Ashooh


They ALL love their nonprofits and Jessica's no exception.

God I hate these freaks so much. Same career/activist pattern, over and over again.


As the Atlantic Council’s Deputy Director of the Albright-Hadley Middle East Strategy Task Force, Jessica Ashooh focuses on how the United States and its allies can more comprehensively address the growing challenges of state failure and violent extremism in the Middle East and set the region on a more positive trajectory. Prior to joining the Council, Ashooh spent a number of years based in Abu Dhabi, where she worked as a Senior Analyst in the UAE Foreign Ministry’s Policy Planning Department. In this capacity, she specialized on the crisis in Syria, and worked in close cooperation with the UAE Special Envoy for Syria to support the UAE’s engagement in the Geneva II peace process and with moderate elements of the Syrian political opposition. Ashooh has also worked as a consulting adviser to the Kurdistan Regional Government’s Ministry of Planning in Erbil, Iraq. Ashooh holds a doctorate in international relations from the University of Oxford (St. Antony’s College), which she attended as a Marshall Scholar. Her doctoral research focused on ideological and bureaucratic infighting in US foreign policy toward the Middle East. She did her undergraduate studies at Brown University and also spent time at the American University of Beirut and at the Bourguiba Language Institute in Tunis. Her work has been published in Foreign Policy, The National Interest, The Hill, and others. She is also a frequent broadcast commentator on networks including Al Jazeera, SkyNews, and Voice of America.


Obvious self-anointed elite and globalist.


Very, very telling:


My, aren't we superior? My, don't we know what's best for everyone?


"Jessica Ashooh, Reddit’s head of policy, spent four years as a policy consultant in Abu Dhabi. “I know what it’s like to live under censorship,” she said. “My internal check, when I’m arguing for a restrictive policy on the site, is Do I sound like an Arab government? If so, maybe I should scale it back.” On the other hand, she said, “people hide behind the notion that there’s a bright line between ideology and action, but some ideologies are inherently more violent than others.”

Anonymous ID: 2da54b Sept. 13, 2018, 6:25 p.m. No.3014714   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Holy shit.

$5 will get you $20 that's what authorities are after.


Combine all those drug-related new stories with the info in that article an anon found about the 1800's era tunnels under the town, then add the already-convicted pedos who are desperate for a source of $$$.


Burn 'em out. Just kill it with fire.


If that's what's happening, that's damn great.

Anonymous ID: 2da54b Sept. 13, 2018, 6:31 p.m. No.3014827   🗄️.is 🔗kun


At the press conference, the mayor also gave his statement in Spanish, "for our large Spanish speaking community"


If this is indeed a huge drug/gang fight, it may be days before anybody publishes a summary statement about it. Have to wait and see.