Anonymous ID: 58020b Sept. 13, 2018, 6:11 p.m. No.3014499   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hey Anon, wanted to re-post this here to see what you think. Also, to let you know that in reading only 9-10 pages of the FBI memo to Sen. Ted Kennedy, found the first CIA director im charge of operation EAGLE II was called GODFATHER.


Re-post follows:


Anonymous 09/13/18 (Thu) 17:08:05 7b1ceb (6) No.3013489>>3014073


>I double-checked, but it's not a typo. The codename for the agent they ordered a hit on is "Whitecat" and not 'whitehat'.<

Not sure what timeframe is for the hit you refer to, but have been doing some reading(barely scratched the surface. So many pages) of the FBI memo/report to Sen.Ted Kennedy- wriiten in 1989).

They state that Casey? ordered a hit, around the time of Contra optations, of one Adler Berriman Seal(aka Barry Seal). The hit was done in Florida.

Again, don't know much but maybe with more digging…or someone just tell me I'm wrong.

Could this be the hit that was ordered on Whitecat?

Think the report stated they had recordings? The recording?

Also, get this, Adler Berriman Seal was known for driving around ina White Cadillac. The nickname in the US for Cadillacs is "Cad".

From that we can get that Mr. Seal drove around in a "WHITE CAD".

He was killed in said White Cad.

Did someone transcribing the recording of the hit order possibly hear "WHITECAD"?

Unless the source of the agent name was written. Then I am off base. Just an idea.