Natural gas infusion station proposed for Andover
Global CNG Holdings, a Delaware LLC, recently submitted an application to the town, which was first handled by the Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Commission at its April 11 meeting. According to the commission's minutes, the application proposes the installation of a gas line, a gas metering station, a gravel access drive, a paved access drive, and an equipment area to be constructed on property owned by Andover resident Robert Russell.
ANDOVER — Global CNG Holdings has temporarily withdrawn its proposal to install a natural gas infusion station at Scott’s Tree Hill Farm on Route 6.
Surveyors working for the company were seen Friday morning re-evaluating the proposed site, resident Dianne Grenier said.
The original proposal involved trucking compressed gas from eastern Pennsylvania to a natural gas infusion station at Scott’s Tree Hill Farm directly across from Xtra Mart, and next to Ben Franklin Plumbing. The operation was to run from November through March.
ANDOVER — Residents vowed to fight an out-of-state natural gas company's petitions to enter their land and survey it in advance of pipeline construction, even as the residents implored the state Department of Public Utilities (DPU) to stand up for them and deny the survey petitions.
The Collins Center at Andover High was ground zero Thursday in what many of the speakers at the public hearing characterized as a David vs. Goliath battle, pitting homeowners against a corporate giant.
Some 500 private landowners in Massachusetts, including dozens in Andover, have refused requests by Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company, a subsidiary of Kinder Morgan, to enter their land and dig, cut, and measure the property as part of the survey.