Anonymous ID: cb4d0b Sept. 13, 2018, 6:32 p.m. No.3014856   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4918 >>4995

ANONS - take a look at RBG. This was recorded yesterday.


I watched my once strong and brave father wither away. My mom turns 90 this year. My mother-in-law is currently in a nursing home. My father-in-law is 94 and lives in senior housing.


My wife and I visit our parents regularly. The decline is unmistakable. It's sad, but like many anons here, we have seen this process unfold firsthand. Circle of life.


Bottom line, and this should be obvious to anyone who has cared for a loved one in this stage…Ruth Bader Ginsburg is clearly facing end-of-life. This is so instantly recognizable to anyone who has familiarity with geriatrics. The angel of death is very near. Just judging by her posture, demeanor and near absence of energy, I would give her between 12 and 18 months.


While she did the right thing in this interview, she has shredded the US Constitution for a quarter of a century, so I hold no pity.