Anonymous ID: dca314 Sept. 13, 2018, 6:25 p.m. No.3014722   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4756


Pay attention!

This shit in and around Andover has to do with





Raytheon and the 9/11 false flag go hand in hand.

Raytheon is headquartered in Andover!

Anonymous ID: dca314 Sept. 13, 2018, 6:32 p.m. No.3014863   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4911


For Fucks Sake!


What hit the Pentagon was in fact an A3 Skywarrior from Raytheon's inventory (check their inventory - they're missing one) - painted like an AA jet - powered by a Thiokol solid fuel rocket motor (thus the white smoke in the still frames released by the government), loaded with explosives (thus the smell of cordite evidenced by the hundreds of Pentagon employees present that morning).

Raytheon is a darling of Carlyle Group.


Raytheon, maker of Patriot and Tomahawk missiles, watched its stock take off after the attacks.


Purchases of call options contracts on Raytheon stock increased sixfold on September 10, 2001.


CLEARLY, Bets were placed in advance of 9/11 with foreknowledge of 9/11. This isn't just War Profiteering, this is TERROR PROFITEERING.


Raytheon had a DIRECT role in 9/11.


Americans (too many) do not know that Raytheon executives were killed on 9-11, or at least wound up permanently missing, which may be a more accurate way of saying it. It is who wound up missing that is most interesting.


This is an excerpt of the email we received and is information that we knew as of the issuance of the flight manifests for all four of the planes allegedly involved in 9-11:


Subject: Raytheon and 9/11


OK, I'm not gonna say anything here, except to let you read the evidence and then you can tell me what you think. (These are people who supposedly died on 9/11.)


Raytheon and 9/11


Stanley Hall Raytheon Director of Electronic warfare program management. Raytheon did the retrofit of the A-3 that hit the Pentagon, where Bush claimed Flight 77 hit it. Disappeared on American airlines Flight 77, the one that supposedly hit the Pentagon but did not.


Peter Gay Raytheon VP of Electronic Systems on special assignment at the El Segundo, CA division office where the Global Hawk UAV remote control system is made. Raytheon did the retrofit of the A-3 that hit the Pentagon, where Bush claimed Flight 77 hit it. Disappeared on American airlines Flight 11, the one that supposedly hit the North World Trade Tower I.


Kenneth Waldie Raytheon Senior Quality Control for Electronic Systems. Raytheon did the retrofit of the A-3 that hit the Pentagon, where Bush claimed Flight 77 hit it. Disappeared on American airlines Flight 11, the one that supposedly hit the North World Trade Tower I.


David Kovalcin Raytheon Senior Mechanical Engineer for Electronic Systems. Raytheon did the retrofit of the A-3 that hit the Pentagon, where Bush claimed Flight 77 hit it. Disappeared on American airlines Flight 11, the one that supposedly hit the North World Trade Tower I.


Herbert Homer Raytheon Corporate Executive working with the Department of Defense. Raytheon did the retrofit of the A-3 that hit the Pentagon, where Bush claimed Flight 77 hit it. Disappeared on United airlines Flight 175, the one that supposedly hit the South World Trade Tower II.


These are not only the type of people but they are the people that would be assigned to UAV type projects involving Mode 4 and Mode 5 upgrades. Why would they be in Boston and those planes coming from that direction and from north of Manhattan Island?


That 16 foot tunnel through three rings of the Pentagon is only made by a directional blast weapon. Rumsfeld has even slipped up and mentioned the missile that hit the Pentagon.


Some have seen the Pentagon parking lot camera video and the white trail of smoke. Jets do not leave white trails of smoke at sea level, but Thiokol powered AGMs do, at all altitudes.


5 key Raytheon emloyees were "disappeared" on 9/11.