Anonymous ID: e9c9aa Sept. 13, 2018, 6:20 p.m. No.3014638   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4885

>>3013657 (pb

>>3013727 (pb)

had some amazing days.

Very beautiful. Not since forever do I remember it. You could cry over it.

Related to the 90% in hospital, I 've noticed [that people who have been abused feel it once it's over. When it's going on they must protect themselves, emotionally, to bear it?]

Anyway, they came back again. Its been off and on.

We first got the blue skies soon after Pres. Trump was elected; but just for a short while.

And they have been somewhat sparce in the recent past, even when apparent.

I believe they will eventually run out of money for this stupid project.

>>3013727 (pb

Anonymous ID: e9c9aa Sept. 13, 2018, 6:27 p.m. No.3014754   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Check the Time Stamp.

I believe the Fake News was hinting that the Iran Deal was going to be re-instated.

I guess that's what Kerry was telling people

He can leak it, first. And that will help make it a reality.

They must be in trouble.

How will we get the Iranians to return the money Hussain sent?

Or does that have to be "written off"

Backstory on that money is outrageous./Never supposed to have been in an interest bearing account. Someone stole it and then made Taxpayers pay.

What a skulk of thieves