Anonymous ID: efcf5b Sept. 13, 2018, 6:10 p.m. No.3014474   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4777




Six Aerial Bombs Found In Paris

Associated Press-LONDON, September 7 1947


The Paris police today arrested a number of persons after discovering six home-made aerial bombs with which, it is suggested, the Stern Gang intended to bomb London in reprisal for the transport of Jewish migrants to Hamburg.


Rabbi Baruch Korff, chairman of the American Political Action Committee for a Free Palestine, was also arrested near Paris today, together with two others,when about to board an aircraft…

Anonymous ID: efcf5b Sept. 13, 2018, 6:28 p.m. No.3014777   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4817


moar jewish digs




Six Aerial Bombs

Found In Paris

Australian Associated Press-

LONDON, September 7.

The Paris police today arrested a number of persons after discovering six home-made aerial bombs with which, it is suggested, the Stern Gang intended to bomb London in reprisal for the transport of Jewish migrants to Hamburg.

Rabbi Baruch Korff, chairman of the American Political Action Committee for a Free Palestine, was also arrested near Paris today, together with two others,when about to board an aircraft carrying a suitcase full of pamphlets. Police say that Korff and his

companions had chartered the aircraft, presumably in order to make a leaflet raid on London.

quotes an eyewitness at the airport

as saying that the three Jews were about to board a chartered aircraft when a plainclothes policeman fired a pistol and several armed

detectives, disguised as mechanics,

arrested the Jews.

Eire Activities Korff yesterday told the Paris

correspondent of the British United Press that, the Stern Gang had newly formed in Eire and he presumed that it was responsible for

the bomb sent in a parcel from Eire which injured two sorters last Wednesday in a post office at WestMinster.

Korff threatened Britain with more attacks of this kind if the Jews were landed at Hamburg.

Disembarkation from the three migrant ships, Runnymede Park, Ocean Vigour and Empire Rival, which arrived off Hamburg from

Cuxhaven today, has been delayed

by fog and will not begin until to morrow. The Ocean Vigour drew alongside the Hamburg quay this afternoon in the presence of a

handful of people……………..