Women of breeding age are just naturally horny and uninhibited. If you're over 16, take this to the bank.
>Do morals account for nothing, you fucking pig?
Uh, no. It's simply natural selection doing its thing. I know it's hard to get a date from Moms basement, but you need to get out there once in a while.
Morals, that's a mushroom we pick in the spring I think. Take your morels elsewhere, this is 8chan. Bitch.
> there's law to back that moral up asswipe.
Sooo, you're the one going after Kavanaugh for his teen aged date. Thought I saw your halo glinting in the sun, you, who is without sin.
Sorry Sparky, your guilting ain't working here.
Kids will be kids. Keep sex education in the gutter where it belongs. Keep your kids off the fucking internet and they might grow up normal. Sheesh. KYS bitch.