Anonymous ID: 00ccc2 Sept. 13, 2018, 9:55 p.m. No.3017394   🗄️.is 🔗kun



"Instead, she favored Clinton’s rival, Vermont socialist Bernie Sanders. “He is totally punk,” she wrote on Twitter in September 2015.


“I’ve loved him forever,” Fairbanks says. “He’s an independent. … Because he didn’t have party loyalty, he could look at things for what they were. And so, even if I didn’t agree with something he was doing, I respected the fact that he was able to do that.”


She respected it so much that, as the campaign heated up, she shelled out $19.99 a month for a Tinder Plus subscription so she could get unwitting matches to, ahem, swipe right on Sanders. “On the premium accounts, you can change your location,” she says. “I was changing my location to swing states and then being like, ‘Hey, who are you voting for?’ And then giving the whole spiel about why they should support Bernie.


“I was insane,” she tells me.


Meanwhile, she tweeted that Trump was a “lunatic” and a “monster” whose fans were “so fucking scary.” In a tweet from December 2015, she included him on a list of “things I hate,” below “sour cream” and “clowns.” A few months later, she opined: “Its [sic] so embarrassing how many people are willing to show their faces openly supporting Trump.”

