Anonymous ID: 047558 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:59 p.m. No.3016802   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3016477 (lb)

from anon 2 breads back plus some screen shots of hacking or not as the case may be...muh russkies


Charlie Shabbos Baker running his election commercials during the Boston TV non-stop repetitive brainwashing coverage..."Integrity...Leadership...Treason..."


the lets-all-come-together psyop is in full-swing as well. they do this all the time. they feign loyalty to one-another whilst they betray America by their votes and they couldn't give a fuck about the south-west so long as they have their 130 colleges and planned parenthood and pot holes. they are totally going to go after the gas company and I can hear more regulations, more lawyers, and more taxes on the way already.