Anonymous ID: 7e10fe Sept. 13, 2018, 8:52 p.m. No.3016721   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Seoul, Pyongyan Open Joint Liaison Office in North Korea - Reports


The building in the North Korean city of Kaesong includes separate Northern and Southern offices and a joint conference room, and is intended to facilitate cross-border exchanges following the Panmunjom Summit between President Moon Jae-in and the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, AFP reported Friday.


"A new chapter in history is open here today," South Korean unification minister Cho Myoung-gyon was quoted as saying by AFP at the opening ceremony, stressing that "this liaison office is another symbol of peace jointly created by the South and the North."


South Korea's presidential security adviser Chung Eui-yong reportedly said last week that the two sides agreed to open the office ahead of President Moon Jae-in's visit to North Korea, slated for September 18-20.


The two countries announced they would be opening a bureau in April, hoping that the move would facilitate civilian exchanges between the two countries. In August, the South Korean government said that the opening might be postponed amid US-North Korea tensions. However, the South Korean authorities decided that the opening of this office would not be in breach of the international sanctions against North Korea.


The situation on the Korean Peninsula has significantly improved over the last months, with Kim Jong-un having held several rounds of talks with South Korean President Moon Jae-in and a summit with US President Donald Trump in Singapore. During the historic June 12 summit, Kim and Trump reached an agreement that required Pyongyang to denuclearize in exchange for a freeze on the US-South Korean military drills and eventual sanctions relief.

Anonymous ID: 7e10fe Sept. 13, 2018, 8:56 p.m. No.3016770   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6794 >>6835





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Anonymous ID: 7e10fe Sept. 13, 2018, 9:08 p.m. No.3016887   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Michigan Farm Murder Suspects are Illegals From Mexico


There are newly released details surrounding the two Suspects in custody in Sandusky, Michigan for the brutal Sanilac County dairy farm murder that says the pair is inside the country illegally.


A man called emergency 911 to say he'd found blood splattered across his residence on Saturday, and that Bricia Flores-Rivera, his girlfriend, was missing from their Flynn Township residence at 3900 Aitken Road.


Investigators searched the nearby woods before finally locating and recovering the woman's body in neighboring Buel Township.


According to the United States of America's Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, the two suspects are both in the nation illegally from Mexico, and they're brother and sister.


20-year-old Leobardo Torres-Castillo and 33-year-old Francisca Vargas-Castillo are responsible for the murder of 42-year-old Bricia Flores-Rivera, a woman who was found dead in Buel Township late Saturday night.


The pair who would be blamed for the murder were the two illegal siblings, both of whom worked with her.


Khaalid H. Walls, a spokesperson for the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency, said that after the two stand trial and serve out their sentence, they will be deported.


The bloodthirsty duo was arraigned September 3rd in Sanilac County District Court on the charges of open murder and concealing the death of an individual.


The charge of open murder contains both first- and second-degree murder and will go before a grand jury after a preliminary hearing.


A preliminary hearing is scheduled for September 18th, 2018 at 1:30 PM.


Until that time, both of the suspects are being held in Sanilac County Jail on $1,000,000 cash bond.


Sanilac County Sheriff's Office gave credit those who assisted in the search effort, including Sanilac Central County Search and Rescue, Sanilac County Sheriff's Posse, Sanilac Central Dispatch, Sanilac County Drug Task Force, Croswell Fire Department, Marlette Fire Department, Croswell Police, Marlette Police, Sandusky Police, Michigan State Police Crime Lab, and the US Customs and Border Patrol.


Members of the public who have information about foreign fugitives are urged to contact ICE by calling the ICE tip line at 1-866-347-2423 or internationally at 001-1802-872-6199.


They can also submit a tip over the internet by completing ICE’s online form by clicking here.


Remember these barbaric and heinous crimes all while the Democratic Party and paid protestors attempt to “Abolish ICE,” the latest effort from the funding channels of Haim Saban, George Soros, and Tom Steyer.


All of the targets in this operation were amenable to arrest and removal under the U.S. Immigration and Nationality Act.


CBP and ICE deportation officers carry out targeted enforcement operations daily nationwide as part of the agency’s ongoing efforts to protect the nation, uphold public safety, and protect the integrity of our immigration laws and border controls.


These operations involve existing and established Fugitive Operations Teams.


During targeted enforcement operations, CBP and ICE officers frequently encounter other aliens illegally present in the United States.


These aliens are evaluated on a case-by-case basis, and, when appropriate, they are arrested by CBP and ICE officers.


Once again, President Trump has been proven correct.


Additional Sources or Relevant Information:

Anonymous ID: 7e10fe Sept. 13, 2018, 9:11 p.m. No.3016927   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7018 >>7228 >>7302

Understanding The Tactics Of Subversive Globalism


When the ideology of globalism is discussed in liberty movement circles there are often misunderstandings as to the source of the threat and what it truly represents. This may in some cases be by design. In the latest era of supposed “populism” led by figures like Donald Trump, an entirely new and very green generation of liberty activists find themselves hyper focused on the political left in general, but they seem to be obsessed with attacking the symptoms of globalism rather than the source. I attribute this to a clever propaganda campaign by globalist institutions.


For example, when globalism is brought up in terms of its conspiratorial influences, the name of George Soros is usually mentioned. Soros is an obvious bogeyman for liberty activists because his money can be found flowing to numerous Cultural Marxist (social justice) organizations and his influence is easily grasped and digested in that way. Conservatives like placing emphasis on Soros because he appears decidedly leftist and thus globalism becomes synonymous with leftist movements. But what about all the globalists within the political right?


Globalism has its gatekeepers in both political camps; people that manipulate or outright control political leaders and political messages on the right just as they do on the left. While someone like George Soros acts as a gatekeeper for the left, we also have people like Henry Kissinger, a globalist gatekeeper for the right. Kissinger’s close relations with the Trump administration or his long time friendship with Russia’s Vladimir Putin are brought up far less in the liberty movement these days. Why? Because this does not fit with the false narrative that the globalists are “targeting” Trump or Putin. When you examine these leaders and their ties to a vast array of globalist proponents, this claim becomes absurd.


In 2016, months before the presidential election, the globalist media outlet Bloomberg published an article which salivated over the possibility that Trump would swallow up and assimilate what they called the “Tea Party,” ultimately destroying it. At that time the media used the term “Tea Party” as code for any sovereignty or constitutional group, just as the media tried to wrap us all up in the term “alt-right” after Trump’s election.


There was a reason why Bloomberg found particular glee in the notion that Trump would absorb the liberty movement. The movement was becoming a decentralized threat to the globalist agenda, a threat that could not be easily quantified or dominated because it had no identifiable leadership. We were a movement based on knowledge and individual action. Our best “leaders” have been teachers, not politicians, and these were people that led by personal example, not by mandate or rhetoric.


The liberty movement was winning ground in every conceivable arena, from the dismantling of the mainstream media through alternative platforms, to the great push back against social justice cultism. Something had to be done.


Enter Trump, a brash pop culture icon with a flare for sensationalism. He was no statesman like Ron Paul explaining the intricacies of America’s problems in a measured way. No, Trump was like a wrecking ball, a loud and blatant message to the left that we were tired of being on the defensive and we were coming for them. But the reality was that Trump was not a necessary element of the fight. He never was. Anti-globalism and anti-social justice were already hitting the mainstream. The left was already on the run. Trump didn’t create that wave, the liberty movement did that for him, he just rode it into the White House. You’re welcome, Donald.

Anonymous ID: 7e10fe Sept. 13, 2018, 9:19 p.m. No.3017012   🗄️.is đź”—kun

The Fabian Society of Socialists


From Enclopedia Brittanica:

Socialists expected the gradual evolution of society from capitalism to the worker state. This goal was to be achieved through education of the public and peaceful political change. This form of socialism made its greatest headway in England during the 19th century. In the 1880s a group of young radicals–including Sidney and Beatrice Webb, George Bernard Shaw, Sidney Oliver, and Graham Wallas–founded the Fabian Society. The society's `Fabian Essays', published over a number of years, contained detailed plans for social legislation and reform that influenced British society for decades.


The Fabian Society came into existence in the last few years of the nineteenth century. It began in a way that is similar to the way it exists today in Tunbridge Wells, a small number of people who were interested in social change met together to listen to a speaker and discuss political issues among themselves.


This was taking place in the drawing rooms of the middle class members, because nearly all of the early Fabians were middle class. people like Bernard Shaw, Edward Pease (a stockbroker), Percival Chubb, (a civil servant), Thomas Davidson (a schoolmaster). The Society was actually formed on October 24th. 1883.


When the members got round to recording their aims in 1887 they read as follows:


The Fabian Society consists of Socialists.


It therefore aims at the reorganisation of Society by the emancipation of Land and Industrial Capital from individual and class ownership. In this way only can the natural and acquired advantages of the country be equitably shared by the whole people.


The Society accordingly works for the extinction of private property in Land and of the consequent individual appropriation, in the form of Rent, of the price paid for permission to use the earth, as well as for the advantages of superior soils and sites.


It carries on further but this part shows how in these early days of Socialism there was an undisputed belief in the necessity of having public ownership of the means of production, distribution and exchange. The only dispute among Socialists was whether any compensation would be paid.