Anonymous ID: 850c9c Sept. 13, 2018, 9:36 p.m. No.3017230   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7259




Give the devils their due. Grab Religion, The Banks, The Media & The Schools and then what else do you need to take over??


We got this. 80% of kids dislike or HATE school. They can feel it in their bones. Once new options are offered by Americans, we'll see mass exoduses. If the "boil point" on this topic, was at a 3.5 in March, and at a .25 in 2002, it's at damn near a 9 now. Parents aren't going to tolerate it, most of what is being taught is bunk being taught by a LOT of people that should not be around AMERICAN children, the conditions are inhumane, kill zones where you can't have a gun but you're the NUMBER ONE target….


I mean…It's an open and shut case. We just have to innovate. And yes, QUICKLY. We MUST get back to turning OFF the TV/Movies/Sports and getting deeply involved in these challenges. I know we will.