Anonymous ID: 05fb43 Sept. 13, 2018, 10:06 p.m. No.3017475   🗄️.is 🔗kun

happy medium

"seasoned anon" bitching about notables last bread - the kitchen finally gets some fresh staff and you come in with wrecking balls (3815 and 3816) let the new baker gather the notables from anons ffs, have some where with all to know your surrondings if your so fucking smart


newfags - the bitch above has a point, this new fluffy brand of bread, yall are just way too giddy and youre not going out there on your own and sourcing this stuff (secondary sourcing), youre just sitting on this shit bread after bread scarfing down on other anon posts like its grail, first anon doesnt necessarily have to bring the sauce like crybaby above thinks, get the fuck off of here and do some secondary sourcing