Anonymous ID: 42ac75 Sept. 13, 2018, 10:59 p.m. No.3017953   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>that small, still voice within us.


Base of the skull.

Limbic system.

"Reptile brain" talks to and is agent of God.

God, in this context, is the LOGOS.

Psionic/sonic powers originate/received there.

Jappos turn back when spying.

Jappos turn back when nakash-whispering.

Jappos turn back when cranial-nerve puppeteering.

This is why.

Only "small voice" to trust is your own.

"Small voice" relies on whisper physiology.

Malicious ventriloquy, projects VERY far.

Malicious ventriloquy, is VERY VERY quick.

Sonic NOT psionic. Psionic does not exist.

Kikes practice this a bit, to whisper sabotage.

Jappos have this mastered to a T.

Only defense is to master this yourself,

And use to add narrative to all visual inputs;

Think: Kaiser Soze.

Anonymous ID: 42ac75 Sept. 13, 2018, 11:02 p.m. No.3017975   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8090 >>8150

>>3017171 (pb)


Ying-Yang not understood at all.

Its about pressure and tension.

Each half represents the whole concept.

Both halves together elaborate the dynamism.

Think: infinitely elastic universal substrate

Think: closed environment

Substrate whirled up into high-pressure area.

We call this "matter".

Tension equivalent to pressure distributed throughout the surrounding, connected space.

Thus the small is balanced by the large.

The potent inner is balanced by the listless outer.

NOT about left/right symmetry.

NOT about moral ambiguity.

Ex: the Sun

Whatever that shit really is.

A neg-pressure field is generated by it.

We call this "solar wind" or someshit.

And YY depicts this moving through space.

Each "head" consuming the tail of the other.
