Anonymous ID: 513810 A Letter to Q+, President Trump, the Military, the Alliance, the White Hats Sept. 13, 2018, 10:12 p.m. No.3017516   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7532 >>7539 >>7542 >>7548 >>7558 >>7638 >>7719 >>7787 >>7929 >>7938 >>8052 >>8076 >>8132

WE THE PEOPLE now declare that you shall not execute or force suicide any more criminals.


WE THE PEOPLE wish to study them, while always treating them humanely.


"Those who fail to remember the past are doomed to repeat it."


WE THE PEOPLE do not desire to repeat these unfortunate events.


Provide a list of all those who assisted the Alliance in the liberation of the United States of America and WE THE PEOPLE shall rubber stamp your immunity and protect you all from prosecution.


The face of evil must be known. Only criminals cover up crimes against humanity.


The WWII Military Tribunal executions covered up the existence of the real Nazi's abroad.


WE THE PEOPLE will not allow you to repeat the same injustice.


You shall not kill or force suicide any more criminals, less you experience the same fate by verdict of WE THE PEOPLE.


WE THE PEOPLE demand an end to all government secrets.


If you cover up crimes against humanity, you shall be treated as a criminal.

