I'm shitting rainbows.
Tell me you saw the fucking video.
ebot could destroy the cabal himself
WE have bigger plans
In order to discredit anybody looking for the truth.
they ALWAYS fuck it up
if you are going to go out that way ask a doctor for advice, they have the best suicide plans and they NEVER rely on a single bullet alone.
"I'm sorry"
every suicide victim ever
The people doing the paperwork are usually required to check the box within hours of the death. If uncertain the box isn't checked. 3000 dead in Puerto Rico? There is a reason the official statistics are so fucked extrapolated shit like that gets reported as truth.
SIDS is actually homicide (negligent) 90% of the time. Don't sleep in the same bed as an infant without a physical mechanism to prevent roll over suffocation. I've checked that box myself.
They made truth taboo to preserve their power.
You were NEVER alone.
You got the memo.
A drone over us shooting fireworks. Trying to get the video out through a different channel now.
Whatever that thing was it had a jet engine.
Imagine if ebot had his own personal airforce.
Then think bigger.
100% safe afaik. Scary but safe.
I'd like to stay anon. 60% of 100% truth.
Eyewitnesses described it as possibly a drone shooting rainbow colored fireworks. Video is 10 times more than pictures. ZERO indication that it caused any damage.
nobody is ready for this
fucking nobody
the fact that the government sent a drone shooting rainbow colored fireworks to follow my family is crazy af.
that's 2% of the truth.
I tried by best to get a clear screenshot but it is very clear in the video it is actual fireworks, you can hear a jet engine in the audio, again, trying to get a larger distribution channel, otherwise I'll post the raw video with 99% of the audio, censoring only identifying information.
this sky event is 2% of what I've personally witnessed, Q is a larp in the sense that Q is much bigger than they let on.
they brainwashed EVERONE
on the off chance they go with the alien thing, in my personal opinion: we are the aliens. Try the rice experiment and reconcile with everything they told you about your reality and you will see from my perspective. They lie. FBIAnon is 95% correct (he fucked up with the race thing, has nothing to do with it).
They will brainwash you into thinking you are Jesus if you aren't smart enough to see through them. They lie.
Trust the military with your life, they trust you with theirs.
trust yourself, make the best choices you can.
i think it was a one off operation, i don't see a physical threat, assuming you had my metadata (all you need is a keylogger installed on my OS, not difficult) a jet model aircraft and some custom rigging you could pull this off for under $20k. I'm assuming it's the military and they probably spent $240k on it.
They put me through MKUltra.
I volunteered.
I had no idea what they were capable of.
There was no way I could have known.
If they need to they can take 100% control.
EMS activation.
WE THE PEOPLE are the failsafe.
I don't think it will even come to that.
100% control.
They are stupid.
They never though she would lose.
Trust yourself.
I have video and documents.
Whatever you think Q is, it is bigger.
Archive everything, you have no idea what has already been dropped.
You saw screenshots of military operations.
Trust the plan.
I want a polygraph.
I'll apply to the CIA if I have to.
I'm planning on it.
No need. I've been using the comms since before Q and I am not going anywhere. If the distribution channel doesn't work out I'll drop the 60% myself and I guarantee that will make the notables.
The children who recorded the video have already been doxxed by Q. By doxxed I mean Q posted their month and day birthdays.
They murdered my best friend and I'm 90% sure they murdered two other people close to me.
Archive fucking everything.
Already done. Local police and FBI. I didn't give them all the information I have, if I do have to dox myself and my loved ones this board will be the first to know. They set everything up so in order to hit back you have to sacrifice your own self and your own family.
I don't give a flying fuck about myself, this is about my children.
Family is all that's left, they murdered or compromised all my friends.